SSL Protocol Figures used in the presentation Presented by: Miao Zhang Course: CISC856 TCP/IP and Upper Layer Protocols Apr. 15 2010
HTTP SSL-Handshake SSL-ChangeCipher-Spec SSL Record Protocol HTTP TCP IP Data Link
SSL Handshake protocol SSL Change Cipher Spec Protocol SSL Alert Protocol HTTP SSL Record Protocol TCP IP
TCP Application A-PDU Fragment 16384 or less 16384 or less Compress lossless Add Message Authorization Code (MAC) TCP Encrypt Add PCI SSL PDU
Content type Major version Minor version Compressed length Text MAC SSL PCI Encrypted Text Encrypted MAC
Time Client Server client_hello Phase 1: Establish security capabilities. server_hello certificate Phase 2: Server may send certificate, key exchange, and request certificate. Server signals end of hello message phase. server_key_exchage certificate_request server_hello_done certificate Phase 3: Client sends certificate if requested. Client sends key exchange. Clent may send certificate verification. client_key_exchange certificate_verify change_cipher_spec Phase 4: Change cipher suite and finish handshake protocol. finished change_cipher_spec finished required optional