Our topic this half term is Castle Adventure Our topic this half term is Castle Adventure! We have highlighted just some of the things we shall be looking at in Year 1 this term. Please support your child by encouraging them to bring in anything related to our topic from home. Please speak to us if you have any questions at all. History Queen Victoria Comparing life in Victorian times to life today Features of a castle Life in a castle ICT Uses of ICT Using a keyboard Inputting text Music Exploring duration- long and short sounds RE Special Places The Christmas story Angels Art and DT Paul Klee- Castle and Sun Printing Planning and designing Junk modelling Evaluating Year 1 Autumn Term Science Animal senses Materials Long term study – pond life PE Dance Learning sequences Working collaboratively Performance Ball skills Throwing Catching Bouncing Gymnastics Shapes and rolls Maths Addition and Subtraction Problem solving Using a number line to add and subtract 2D shape names and their properties. Time- telling the time to the hour Literacy Storytelling Speaking and Listening Drama/role play Descriptive writing Story writing Individual reading Phonics Handwriting PSHE Valuing difference