Mrs. Garcia
Meet the Teacher UM Alumni Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education and Spanish 10th year teaching Taught 2nd for 4 years, 4th grade 4 years, and 3rd grade 2 years 2nd year at MGA!
Wednesdays Only 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. School Hours School Hours 8:00 a.m-3:00 p.m. Wednesdays Only 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Class Supplies Supply List posted on teacher’s website Agenda and Leader in Me binder-$15. Will be purchased online. Deadline is August 31st. Students will have the first week of school to gather and organize supplies. Sign and Return necessary forms Teacher Wish List
Schedule Schedule/Specials Math 8:00-9:20 Spanish 9:20-10:10 PE Math 8:00-9:20 Spanish 9:20-10:10 PE 10:10-10:40 D.E.A.R (MWF), Recess (T, TH) 10:40-11:00 Lunch 11:00-11:30 Reading 11:30-1:10 Music (M,TH) Art (T, F) 1:10-1:40 Writing 1:40-2:10 Science 2:10-2:40 Social Studies 2:40-3:00 Clean-up/ Dismissal 3:00
Schedule Wednesday Schedule Math 8:00-9:20 Spanish 9:20-10:10 PE Math 8:00-9:20 Spanish 9:20-10:10 PE 10:10-10:40 D.E.A.R (MWF), Recess (T, TH) 10:40-11:00 Lunch 11:00-11:30 Reading 11:30-1:10 Science 1:10-1:40 Social Studies 1:40-2:00 Clean-up/ Dismissal 2:00
Attendance Policy Unexcused Absences For every 3 - a referral will be given Excused Absences For every 10 - a referral will be given Only 10 handwritten notes are acceptable. A doctor’s note is required after 10 absences. Tardies
Homework Policy Students will be assigned home learning on a daily basis. Home learning assignments will be recorded in the agenda. Home learning will reflect the concepts covered in class. Please review your child’s agenda on a daily basis to stay informed regarding all assignments, tests, due dates and teacher notes. Lack of HW may affect students grades.
Curriculum Rigorous Curriculum New Science Curriculum FSA Testing in Reading and Math (Exact Dates Forthcoming)
Grading Scale Category: Weighted Percentage: Tests 40% Classwork 25% iReady/Presentation/Projects 15% Home-learning/Quizzes 20% Minutes Completed/Passed: Percentage: 45 mins or more completed 1 session 70% or higher 100% 44-40 mins completed 90% 39- 35mins completed 80% 34-30 mins completed 70% 29-25 mins completed 60% 24-20 mins completed 50% 19-0 mins completed 0% If student does not have a passing session of 70% or higher: -10% of the final percentage
Classroom Economy There is a school-wide classroom economy system that will be implemented by all the teachers. It’s an excellent tool for teaching financial responsibility and children will enjoy it as well. They can earn bonus cash for performance in class, improvement on academics or behavior, compliments from other teachers, and staying organized. There will be penalties for dishonesty, disrespect, missed homework assignments, and persistent off task behavior.
Uniform Policy Students are expected to wear the correct uniform on a daily basis: Girls: Culottes or pants in navy or tan. Polo shirt in white, teal, or navy blue with school logo. Boys: Pants - Navy blue or tan with black belt. Polo shirt in white, teal, or navy with school logo For both boys and girls: Shoes MUST be solid black, including the bottom soles and shoelaces. Only Mater Gardens shoelaces are allowed. NO WHITE ANYWHERE ON THE SHOE! Sweaters: Navy blue jacket or cardigan with school logo Uniforms are mandatory, no exceptions!
Parental Involvement Parents are required to volunteer 30 hours per child and 15 for each additional sibling. Below are some options for completing the volunteer hours: Cafeteria assistance Classroom assistance from home Special school events Classroom donations (receipt MUST be turned into teacher ) Wish list items (receipt MUST be turned into teacher) Field trip chaperones Parents must register online and have a volunteer number in order to participate in field trips. There will usually be two chaperones allowed per field trip.
Parental Involvement
Dismissal Dismissal will be at 3:00 p.m. There will be no dismissal five minutes before 3:00 p.m. for any dismissal group, bus, aftercare, parent-pickup, or walkers. Parents must notify the bus company regarding the dismissal time. The school will send a notification to participating bus companies as well, therefore, we need a list of bus students. If you are picking up your students, the parking lot gate will not be opened prior to 3:00 p.m. Before leaving, please sign in how your child will be dismissed for the school year.
Communication If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. However, the most effective vehicle is through e-mail or Class Messenger, which will be checked on a daily basis. This will minimize interruptions in the instructional process. Please schedule an appointment for conferences and refrain from interfering with morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal procedures. Mrs. Garcia’s email: Teacher website: Provides you with important announcements, home learning assignments, wish list items, field trips, and special activities.
Important Information Parent Academy: 5:30 PM on Wednesday in the cafeteria (paperwork: lunch application, parent portal, parent pin) 1st day of School- You can walk students to the classroom in the morning. In the afternoon, you will need to pick them up from the classroom as well. Silent Dismissal will begin the 2nd Day of School. MGA is going Virtual for cash collection for: Jean Day, Field Trips, Agenda, etc. Payments can be made in credit cards or checks. Lunch will still need to be paid in cash. Active Shooter Drills- will be taking place throughout the school year. Summer Projects will be collected the second week of school. They will be graded.
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