Lenses REcap The Why of Our Work
Trauma Informed Practices Implicit Bias Cultural Competency Lens Activity Trauma Informed Practices Implicit Bias Cultural Competency We will review our lens for the year Implicit Bias, Trauma Informed Practices, Cultural competency and how it defines our work
The WHY: Using lens to reflect on our strategies Supporting the paradigm shift Build stronger programs for our students and Families Build and strengthen capacity for our staff Support the fidelity of our program Using the lens helps us to reflect on our practice and the way we do our work Why having the lens is important for our work is because it supports these strategies and structures
Generic Good Behavior Game 5 to 1 Ratio Positive Greetings at the Door Effects of Smiling Restorative Practice Community Circle Social Discipline Window Bia Implicit Bias Trauma Informed Practices Cultural Competency Looking through the Lens Let’s review the lens with some of the strategies learned this year
Greetings at the Door Implicit Bias Strategy Promote Lens Greeting at the door helps to promote a reduction in implicit bias by requiring a uniform response to ALL students. It also helps to build a foundation for relationships so that we can learn more about each other and thwart assumptions. Using the lens of reducing IB to reflect on greeting at the door pushes us to look at who we are greeting enthusiastically and welcoming to program versus who we are greeting to check the box that we completed a task. Who do we have a hard time greeting? Lens Implicit Bias Example: we can look at our work and see how strategies can promote positive changes through specific lens and looking through the lens supports reflection on strategies used
Now It’s Your Turn! Using the graphic organizer, take 10 minutes to identify a strategy and fill out how the strategy promotes the lens and how the lens helps you to reflect on your use of the strategy Be ready to pair-share!
Use the Lens Activity Sheet and Len/Strategy Graphic Organizer to complete the activity following the example to the left.