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HW #1 Due: Ch. 1: P11, P12, P13, P14, PM2 Ch.2: P7, P12
System of Units and Notations Metric System
Fundamental Properties of Light Chapter 1 Fundamental Properties of Light Reading Assignment: All Chapter 1
What is Light? “We all know what light is but it is not easy to tell what it is”! Samuel Johnson “About light I am in the dark” Benjamin Franklin In this course, we want to answer the above question by understanding what light does.
Why do we see things?
Properties of Light How does it travel? How fast does it travel? What is it that travels? Is it wave, particle, or just rays?
Light travels in a straight line
Light travels in a straight line The intensity varies with the square of the distance
(example: comets tail is always facing away from the sun) Light has momentum (example: comets tail is always facing away from the sun)
Diffraction silver lining
Light is Wave What is a wave?! distance Harmonic wave: wavelength Frequency (Hertz) Velocity (300,000,000 meters/sec) Wavelength (meters)
amplitude z frequency or wavelength z phase z
Light has color!! Color of the light depends on its wavelength …..
*Ripple Tank Waves http://www.cbu.edu/%7Ejvarrian/applets/waves3/ripple.htm * Longitudinal and Transverse Waves -2 http://acad.ursinus.edu/%7Emtakats/gifcat/wavedemo.html *Waves, ElectroMagnetic http://microscopy.fsu.edu/primer/java/electromagnetic/index.html *Oscillating Charge Field http://www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/applets/fieldwaves.html
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Visible Light Spectrum
Light sources (thermal) *Color Temperature (Vase) http://microscopy.fsu.edu/primer/java/colortemperature/index.html *Black Body http://jersey.uoregon.edu/vlab/PlankRadiationFormula/index.html
Fluorescent Lamp *Phosphorescence: E&M Radiation (Joblonski Diagram) http://microscopy.fsu.edu/primer/java/jablonski/index.html
Laser (Ruby) End of Chapter 1 *E&M Radiation (Absorption and Emission) http://microscopy.fsu.edu/primer/java/exciteemit/index.html * Ruby Laser http://microscopy.fsu.edu/primer/java/laser/index.html End of Chapter 1