Serious education. Serious value. Office of Student Enrichment & Achievement 107 Lucas Hall 314-516-5300 Serious education. Serious value.
“First we must recognize that a college or university, once having admitted a student, has an obligation to do what it can to help the student stay and graduate.” - Vincent Tinto
Mission Collaborate with students to create a culture of enrichment and achievement through our commitment to holistic and individualized support. We strive to educate, equip and empower students to fully engage in their academic improvement and the pursuit of personal and academic success.
Vision The Office of Student Enrichment & Achievement honors the humanity and diversity of all students and respects the dignity and uniqueness of each student’s journey. We work to empower students to achieve and maintain good academic standing, make timely progress through their degree program, and persist to graduation. Each member of our team promotes the well-being and autonomy of our students as they develop into well-rounded members of the global community
Core Value – Accountability & Support We expect students to strive for personal and academic success. Through guidance and mentorship, we help students push through challenges they encounter along the way and build a network of support that includes and extends beyond our office.
Core Value – Diversity & Inclusion We honor and celebrate the uniqueness of each person and welcome every student as they navigate our institution. We help students see themselves as multifaceted individuals who embrace and respect the differences within our ever-changing world.
Core Value – Collaboration We forge true partnerships with our students as they move through interdependence to autonomy. Working with the broader UMSL Community, we guide students in cultivating supportive relationships across campus.
Core Value – Academic Development We challenge students to think critically and use metacognitive strategies to advance their academic pursuits. We provide nonjudgmental support and equip students with tools for success through our coaching and targeted interventions
Student Enrichment & Achievement Established 2013 as Student Retention Services Partners Office of Admissions Office of Financial Aid Academic coaching Conditionally admitted students Financial aid suspensions Early alert Skill development sessions
Staffing Director – Christopher Miller Assistant Director – Maya Scruggs Hicks Success Coach – Antionette Sterling Success Coach – David McGraw Success Coach – Haley Dixon Success Coach – Lynetta McAllum Office Support Specialist – Alaina Lair 4 graduate student staff 3 undergraduate student staff
Student Profiles - Required Conditionally admitted students High school graduates not meeting regular admission criteria Transfer students with cumulative GPA below 2.3 Readmitted UMSL students with less than 2.0 GPA Financial aid suspensions Successful appeal to have aid reinstated At least 2 semesters below a 2.0 UMSL GPA
Student Profiles – Referrals/Voluntary Academic college referrals Academic probation Suspension reinstatements Voluntary Early alert respondents Continued coaching GPA improvement
Processes Initial evaluation Success coach assigned iPad Program commitments Form emailed to appropriate office Success coach assigned Meetings (Coaching sessions) held Case management Final recommendations (where applicable)
Data Data Data Early alert interventions/outcomes Over 7500 flags raised per semester Tracking types of interventions In-person/phone coaching Email exchange Skill development sessions
Data Data Data Academic Progress End of semester grades % students in Good Academic Standing Course completion rates Average cohort GPA Continued enrollment Term to term Fall to Fall Average hours attempted/earned
Take a closer look Increase student participation (voluntary) Enhancement of services Best practices in academic coaching Cognitive behavioral coaching model Comprehensive program evaluation