Mission & Vision Statement STRATEGY MAP 2017-2021 Version V16.26 Mission & Vision Statement Strategic ambition people & communities enabled & empowered to flourish sustainable & diversified fundraising & resource relationships Dorcas is known for & specialized in community based inclusive development Finance Market focus Development limited number of geographically clustered communities in focus countries focus on Dorcas ToC approaches Disaster response focus on protection, MPC (multi purpose cash) & early recovery (LRRD =Linking Relief, Rehabilitation & Development) outside Dorcas development regions only in cooperation with INGO partners Institutional funds increase d funds for development increased funds raised in the field develop (institutional) funding base in USA Shops & Goods increased number of shops expand sales of goods through other channels Private donors NL regular donors: standardized campaigns & approaches major donors: custom made approach expand donor base in age group 20-55 Dorcas positioned as key player in development and Disaster Response Promise to beneficiaries & partners Significant contribution to poverty reduction & changing lives of poor and oppressed Transparent & accountable reporting Reliable partner with local presence & long term commitment Contextualized & participative approach based on Dorcas ToC Inclusive & non-discriminatory Experience impact and different models of involvement in projects Be good, be proud and show it Promise to supporters Acquire €30 million through fundraising, with €13 million designated for development projects Define bandwidth of private and IF funding, reckoning with erratic nature of IF funding Limit expenditure on organization to 24% of total income, 4,5% for field offices and 19,5% for HQ (including indirect project spending) Processes & Organization Dorcas “society level” approach is part of all interventions Dorcas is an expert in community mobilisation and capacity development Dorcas ToC approaches are developed, tested & implemented Dorcas has well developed relationships & and good field capacity for IF Clear communication of Dorcas ToC approaches Strengthened relationships with supporters and sustained volunteer commitment Improved visibility of Dorcas in Media Report on change and impact Communications through modern technologies (from words to audio visuals) Marcom supports the whole organisation with unified message & strategy In Eastern Europe material support programmes are transformed to SLH and community safety nets Fundraising & supporters Programmes Marcom and reporting Effective cooperation and unified approaches in fundraising Grow continuity reserve to €4 million, additionally to reserve for financing assets PME system measuring change and impact in place Good access to Dorcas’ knowledge & information Organisation enables usage of innovative marcom & FR methods and technologies & development of innovative programme concepts Culture & Employees Shared values & Leadership Well structured & functioning internal communication flexible workforce to cope with variable workload Well developed fundraising and marcom competencies & good knowledge of programmes Effective & consistent internal planning & implementation under clear guidelines Dorcas has stable leadership & safe & supportive working environment Dorcas invites supporters to join Jesus’ commission to reach out to the poor and oppressed Prayer has a central place in the organisation Dorcas core values are guiding principles for everyone in the organisation Innovation