Hingham Student Facilitator Program Mr. Doherty Dr. Struzziero
Goal Hingham High School will be a welcoming, safe and positive place to work and to learn.
Expectations for Facilitators “At its heart, facilitating is about promoting participation, ensuring equity, and building trust”
Expectations for Facilitators “role models for civility and respect”
What do Facilitator Do? Balance Content and Skills current events Introduction Running Ice Breakers Establishing Ground Rules Definitions of Disrespect (Skits and Discussions) Exploring Identity
Syllabus: Balance Content and Skills School Violence Bullying and Cyberbullying Discussion Leading Practice Facilitation
Instructional Materials ADL World of Difference Institute’s Manual for Peer Trainers current events (articles, videos)
Skills researching reading writing public speaking skills discussion leading skills self reflection collaboration problem solving
Assessment: PASS/FAIL CLASS Class Participation (weekly) Introduction Simulation Ground Rules Simulation Skit and Discussion Simulation Ice Breaker Simulation Discussion Leading Simulation Facilitation (Authentic Assessment)
Next Steps: Independent Study retention rates (Training Class of 2017: 76% Training Class of 2016: 63% 84% and 58% last year) lead 3 day workshops in grades 9-11 English teachers schedule them. advisors help with planning, problem solving, reflecting
Next Steps ADL offers supplemental training in December ADL’s Annual Youth Congress (March or April)
Thank You for your Support! Contact Information Phil Struzziero pstruzziero@hinghamschools.org Mike Doherty mdoherty@hinghamschools.org school phone 781-741-1560 ext. 2131 or 2163 Thank You for your Support!