Ministry of Education and Science EQAVET: Vision for Revision (VIREO) Bulgaria EQAVET Annual Network Meeting Sofia, 20-21 June 2018
Why do we need this project? Reviewing the existing skills forecasting mechanisms; Identification of leading indicators for VET performance Review Guiding VET schools and VET policy makers for utilization the leading indicators Piloting Identification of areas for further policy reforms in line with the future labour market needs Policy actions
The Project Concept: key activities European level EU practices: desk research Peer learning activity National level Analysis on LM relevance of VET Guidelines for VET providers Local level 6 regional events Piloted tools for feedback loops utilization
What has been done so far? Project promotion; EU practices collection; Peer learning activity in Finland; Data collection: LM and VET provisions; preliminary analysis
Peer learning activity in Finland Hosted by the Finnish National Agency for Education and Culture (EDUFI)-EQAVET NCP for Finland Main topics: VET reform in Finland Labour market relevance of VET provision Feedback loops VET graduates tracking system
Research organizations Who is involved? EQAVET partners MES VET experts Social partners Research organizations Refernet experts VET schools Regional authorities Employers
Project details: Duration of the project: 24 months (1 April 2017 – 30 March 2019); Total amount: 132 654 Euro; European grant: 112 756 Euro; Co-financing MES: 19 898 Euro
Ministry of Education and Science Thank you for your attention! Contacts: Bulgaria Ministry of Education and Science VET Directorate Radostinka Vasileva and Vania Tividosheva e-mails:,