Mental and Emotional Health Day 1 Stress Mental and Emotional Health
“Stress stacking” activity We obviously were trying to create a stressful environment Would you have been as stressed out if we had just had a relay? What was your (+) and (-) self talk? Does that type of talk drive your performance??? Where did most of the pressure come from?? How did you feel when you learned it wasn't graded?? Partner up : 4 minutes--come up with 4-5 way that an individual/you could deal with the stress (write on board)
What is Stress •Your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand Mental Emotional Physical
What is anxiety Anxiety: An overwhelming sense of apprehension, usually over an anticipated event Context: It’s normal to have feelings of anxiety when a big exam is coming up, but it’s important to develop good test-taking strategies to cope.
Partner up with an elbow partner I want each of you to come up with at least 5 things that stress you out as a kid. We will share these with the class and list them on the board
Stressed Out Activity Pick an individual that can handle lots of stress -students will help “stress” that person out by writing stressors on their balloon -Blow up and tie several balloons -We will see how much stress the individual can handle
Causes of Stress/Anxiety •Major life changes •Daily hassles and demands •Environmental stressors •Family & relationship stressors •Work stressors •Social stressors
Symptoms of Stress/Anxiety •Memory problems •Inability to concentrate •Moodiness •Agitation •Weight gain or loss •Body temp increases •Sweating •Skin breakouts
Stress can be a good thing (if you can cope)!!! Can help…... *Focus *Increase your effort *Adapt *Overcome *Creativity *Grit *Resilience *Perseverance
Coping With Stress/Anxiety •Exercise •Nutrition (eat a balanced diet) •Sleep (8 hours) •Avoid Stimulants (Caffeine, nicotine, and sugar) •Utilize support system (friends/family you can talk with) •Nurture self (positive self talk, focus on good qualities, do something you enjoy) •Good time management skills •Relax •Listen to music •Read a book
Coping Skills In your team, plan a short skit with a role for each person using the assigned situation. 2. Pick an unhealthy way that the teen in your skit will cope with the stressful situation. 3. After practicing, present the skit to the entire group. a. After you present, the large group will comment on the unhealthy coping strategy. b. Choose one volunteer from the large group to take the place of the stressed teen and act out a healthy coping strategy. The volunteer should tell you the plan. c. For a second time, your team should act out the entire skit with the volunteer, this time with the stressed teen coping in a healthy way.
Scenario 1—Sophia is 12 years old Scenario 1—Sophia is 12 years old. Every day, she is getting into arguments with her math teacher. She feels that her teacher is treating her unfairly. Because she is so stressed out over this problem (with her teacher), she gets angry with everyone in her life, including her mom and her little brother Scenario 4—Jimmy goes to every home basketball game. Every time he goes to the home games, an upper classmen picks on him by saying mean comments to him and sometimes throws things at him. He is at the game… Scenario 2—Ethan is 13 years old. He feels like his mom puts too many responsibilities on him at home, such as taking care of his little sister every day. He can’t stop thinking about all that he has to get done at home and at school. Scenario 5—Jackson is in math class. He sits next to the kid that constantly makes sounds and comments to get attention. Jackson is very focused on being a great student and feels like his academics are slipping. The attention seeking kid starts playing drums with his pen… Scenario 6—Anna is 14 years old. She just heard that someone at school has been talking about her and telling stories that are not true. This problem is really getting to her. Scenario 3—Lexi is 14 years old. She can’t stand riding the bus home from school every day. She gets harassed and called names by boys on the bus and the bus stop. She is so anxious and stressed by the problem that she hasn’t been able to get enough sleep.