Variable stars, recent observations Dr. F.-J. (Josch) Hambsch
Interests Cataclysmic variables (VSNET, CBA) RR Lyrae stars (possibly with Blazhko effect) High Amplitude Delta Scuti (HADS) Discovery of new variable stars (Pretty pictures)
Observatory in Mol, Belgium Several scopes (C14, C11, 40cm f/8, 20cm f/8) STL11K, ST10, ST8 CCD with BVRI photometric filters Usage each clear night (if at home) Furthermore, access to scopes in NM, Australia and in planning a remote Site in Chile with 40cm f/6.8
CV‘s YZ Cnc BK Lyn ER UMa SDSS1339+4847 ....
YZ Cnc (CBA collaboration)
BK Lyn
ER UMa More than 100 d observations ~ 8000 images
TT Ari max and minimum view Source: H.-G. Dietrich (BAV)
TT Ari
TT Ari variability during one night
RR Lyrae stars NSVS 7454553 GV And TU Com NU Aur ....
E = 2455624.25 HJD P = 0.52186 +/- 0.00018 d NSVS 7454553 Blazhko Effect !!
E = 2455460.955 HJD P = 0.52813 +/- 0.00012 d GV And Blazhko Effect !!
E = 2455528.9335 HJD P = 0.46187 +/- 0.00002 d TU Com Blazhko Effect !!
E = 2455087.44 HJD P = 0.53940 +/- 0.00002 d NU Aur Blazhko Effect !!
NU Aur Blazhko period 114.7 d
E = 2455602.945 HJD P = 0.46296 +/- 0.00008 d VY CrB Blazhko Effect !!
VY CrB Blazhko period 33.4 d
E = 2455470.615 HJD P = 0.5965 +/- 0.013 d DY And Blazhko Effect !!
DY And Blazhko period 224.8 d
CX Lyr Blazhko period 68.04 d
YY Boo (first observation Feb. 5/6)
Properties of YY Boo Algol type eclipsing binary Discovered by Hoffmeister in 1949 Spectral type : F9IV Period of eclipses: 3.933049 d Candidate oscillating eclipsing binary according to Mkrtichian et al. 2004 based on spectral type But not in list of candidate oEA‘s
During decent to the primary minimum
Close to the primary minimum
B, V filter Light curve Pulsations subtracted according to Frequencies determined
Properties of YY Boo Oscillations typical for a Delta Scuti type variable Period of oscillations: ~ 88 min 2nd largest pulsation amplitude among oEA stars after BO Her Results published in IBVS 5949 Spectroscopic studies under way
Conclusions CV‘s have been recently the main observing targets based on VSNET and CBA alerts Intensive follow-up of RR Lyr stars with Blazhko effect mainly from NM Collaboration with P. Wils, P. De Ponthiere and J. Vandenboere