Bell-ringer: 5 minutes What factors might explain the disappearance of the piping plover bird but not the Louisiana black bear or pallid sturgeon fish? Decrease in available prey Decrease in available habitat Human hunting or disturbance in sensitive breeding locations A fungal infection that breaks down feathers
Bell-ringer: 5 minutes Explain how Plant and Animal Adaptations to Biomes determine survivability, evolution, and how this is connected to cell structure, and the passing on of good genes through meiosis.
Reminders Detention warnings/ reminders See me after school to retry missed quiz questions!!/Practice worksheets to regain points on biology quizzes All makeup work due today 9 week tests: view and return Any items left past tomorrow will be thrown away or donated
Student Surveys: 10 minutes Follow along with the copy under your desk Number 1 to 21 Rank 1-7 Answer honestly
Adaptations Paragraph: 5 more minutes Make a name for yourself as a NEW animal Describe where you live Describe 3 adaptations you have to help you live there Due today by middle of class
MS Animal Posters: 30 minutes Keep space clean, respect markers and materials Reminder about group topics Students create their posters about their area of focus from biology as it relates to the threatened or endangered status of their Mississippi animal in groups of 5. Period 1,2: Louisiana Black Bear Period 3, 4: Piping Plover Bird Period 5, 7: Pallid Sturgeon Fish Students are to compare what they know about their animal, the lessons of biology, and craft an explanation of what might be going wrong to explain a hypothesis of the animal’s disappearance. Posters are displayed for all classes to walk through tomorrow. David Attenborough video (3 choices)
MS Endangered Animals Endangered animal video 10-15 minutes MS Endangered Animals Endangered animal video Ultimate question: How do cell structure, genetics, energy in the ecosystem, and habitat influence animal adaptations, survivability, and risk for extinction over time, especially as the environment shifts? Animals of focus: MS Endangered List Period 1,2: Louisiana black bear (Threatened) Period 3,4: Piping Plover (Listed, Critical Habitat) Period 5,7: Pallid sturgeon (Endangered) Picking groups per topic
Our animals: Biology Facts What might be making these animals at risk? Do humans play a role? How to help