Everyone Loves a Horror Story
Masters of Horror Stephen King is often compared to the 18th century weaver of horror tales, Edgar Allan Poe http://home.tiscalinet.de/stephen-king/assets/images/sehr_schones_bild_von_king.jpg http://opioids.com/opium/poe.jpg
Edgar Allen Poe said: “Men have called me mad; but the question is not settled, whether madness is or is no the loftiest of intelligence.”
Poe’s Life Best known for poetry and short fiction pieces Life span: 1809-1849 Created detective story and refined psychological thriller World-wide influence on literature http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/baltimore/photos/Westminster-Poe's%20grave.jpg
Poe’s Childhood Parents: David Poe Elizabeth Atkins Parents died before Poe was 3 Adopted by John Allan Poe was baptized Edgar Allan Poe http://www.poemuseum.org/poes_life/index.html
Poe’s Young Adult Years Poe quarreled with John Allan Attended University of Virginia Incurred gambling debts and left UV Enlisted in US Army http://www.jfhermant.com/logo_uva.gif
Trouble Follows Poe After Allan died, Poe was discharged from Army Poe was expelled from West Point Throughout his troubles, Poe continued to write http://www.ava.org/clubs/WestPoint/westpointlogo_color_50.gif
Poe’s Romance Lived with Aunt, Maria Clemm, and cousin Virginia Dated Virginia and married her Began writing for newspapers/magazines Moved to Philadelphia http://www.epfl.net/exhibits/poe/poep004/poep004r.jpg
Poe’s Masterpieces Written Poe published some of best known works: The Raven The Tell-Tale Heart The Black Cat The Bells http://img.shopping.com/cctool/PrdImg/images/pr/177X150/00/77/41/19/8d/2000755085.JPG
Death in Poe’s Life Lost mother to “coughing sickness”/tuberculosis Lost Virginia to “coughing sickness”/tuberculosis
Mystery of Poe’s Death Found delirious in Baltimore on October 3 Found in someone else's clothing Found on Election Day Died October 7 http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0312227329.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
Playbill Assignment Task: You are hired by a theater to create a playbill on Poe and one of his stories or one of his poems that will be performed http://www.mauionstage.com/Iao%20Theater%20stage%20full%20view.jpg
Playbill Information Cover: Title of work/works Author Student name Graphics that represent work http://originaldo.com/Edgar-Allan-Poe-Raven.jpg
Playbill Information Inside left: Brief overview of Poe’s life http://www.3boysproductions.com/images/Edgar-Allen-Poe's-Tales-of-.jpg
Playbill Information Inside right: Characters Setting Time frame http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000EE9DPA.01-A2S2WG11FX0DT1._SCMZZZZZZZ_.jpg
Playbill Information Back: Brief synopsis of story/poems http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/ 3895080918.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg
Creating Playbill Your playbill will be created using Publisher-PC or Pages-Mac Mrs. Fadale will give you set up instructions and design tips