Gastric Bypass Technique Biology 2.2 Bio technology By Kim Shen
The reason why gastric bypass is used To the save lives of people of people who suffer from morbid obesity. Human Demand.
Problem gastric bypass is developed to solve Morbid obesity –50kg overweight –Shortens life span –Increases health problems The day before surgery (1)
How gastric Bypass us carried out Obesity (2)
Factors important to carrying out gastric bypass The patient has to abstain from food before surgery Blood has to be anticoagulated. The small stomach pouch has to be a certain size. What is dvt? (3) Gastrointestinal surgery for severe obesity (4)
The effect of gastric bypass on people Positive effects Large rapid weight loss Health complications severely reduced Negative effects Nutrient deficiences Major lifestyle changes.
Important Biological concepts and process involved in gastric bypass Saiety and stomach size Nutrient absorption in the small intestine. Gastrointestinal surgery for severe obesity (5)
Future solutions for obesity Drugs which suppress apeptite
Bibliography Books Frydenberg, H. and Gordon, R. (1986) Easy to Stomach: Gastric Stapling and Banding Solutions to Obesity. Australia: Rene Gordon Publishing Pty Ltd. Pg , 60, 61, 72 and 134 Reynolds Grabowski, S. and Totora, G J. (2000) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pg. 901, 902, 847, 848 Websites American Society for Bariatric Surgery,The Story of Obesity: Chapter 4 [Online] 18 July Baylor College of Medicine, Gastric Bypass Surgery [Online] =gastric+bypass+surgery+&content_id= July =gastric+bypass+surgery+&content_id=272
Bibliography Kluger, J. Obesity, Healthy Genes Could Mean Smaller Jeans [Online] 21 July Jama, Obesity [Online] htm 15 July 2003 (2) htm 15 July 2003 (2 My Gastric Bypass, The day before my surgery [Online] 20 July NIDDK weight-control information Network, Gastrointestinal Surgery for Severe Obesity [Online] oes 15 July oes The Cleveland Clinic, Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Procedure [Online] info/docs/1900/1993.asp?index= July info/docs/1900/1993.asp?index=4355 Thrombosis Online, What is DVT? [Online] 20 July