Ms. Passer’s News from Room 106 Important Upcoming Dates: Week of: November 14th, 2016 GO EAGLES!! We had a BLAST at the pep-fest and really enjoyed cheering on the football team while showing school spirit! I look forward to seeing everyone at conferences. Thanks for being understanding with the date switch! Happy birthday to Ayla on November 14th and to Caidence on the 19th! I have started to send home the information from each math lesson for a guide as to how the lesson is explained. It wouldn’t be a bad a idea to look through these each night! We will finish Topic 5 this week and test next week (the 22nd). *Due to a make-up art class, the pep-fest and a short week, we didn’t take the reading test on The Harvest Birds We are onto Lesson 4 in Unit 2 this week! Comprehension Strategies: Cause and Effect; Monitor/Clarify Main Story Selection: Kamishibai Man Grammar Focus: Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates Vocabulary Strategy: Dictionary/Glossary Entry Vocabulary Words: familiar, jerky, vacant, rickety, blurry, rude, blasted, applause We learned some valuable information this past week on how we should appropriately agree or disagree on a specific topic! We will continue to learn a little more about the election as well as the presidents. In science, students will continue learning about the solar system in their packet. Spelling Words (vowel diphthongs ow, ou) clown, round, bow, cloud, power, crown, thousand, crowd, sound, count, powder, blouse, frown, pound, house found *challenge: mountain, coward Important Upcoming Dates: November 14th: P/T Conferences 3:30-7:30 PM November 15th: P/T Conferences 3:30-7:30 PM and pie pick-up *November 17th: Possible Playoff game at 2:00 November 23rd, 24th, and 25th: No School (Thanksgiving Break) November 28th: 2 Hour Late Start (PLC) December 15th: Grades 3-5 Holiday Concert