Fig. 2. Mutational signature exposures in Taiwan HCCs and summary of AA signature mutations. Mutational signature exposures in Taiwan HCCs and summary of AA signature mutations. (A) Estimated numbers of mutations due to each mutational signature in each HCC. AA is COSMIC signature 22. W6 is from (53). COSMIC signatures 4 and 24 reflect known exogenous risk factors for HCC: tobacco smoking and aflatoxin exposure, respectively. MMR, mismatch repair. (B) Proportions of tumors with the AA signature in various groups of HCCs. “Southeast Asia” indicates Southeast Asia excluding Vietnam; “Mayo Clinic” denotes a group of HCCs from patients treated at that clinic for whom there was no country information and who we speculate may have traveled from Asia for treatment; “No information” denotes TCGA HCCs from biobanks for which there is no information on geographic origin. (C) Densities and counts of AA signature mutations among tumors with the AA signature. Each mutation is associated with a weighted assignment of the probability that it was caused by the AA signature (see Materials and Methods). The weighted count of AA signature mutations is the sum of these probabilities across all mutations in the tumors. The geographical regions indicated at the right of (B) also apply to (C). Alvin W. T. Ng et al., Sci Transl Med 2017;9:eaan6446 Published by AAAS