What I Need A Superhero like you!
Objectives TAP Connections: By the end of Clusters, Grouping The instructional grouping adequately enhances student understanding and learning efficiency Teacher Knowledge of Students Teacher practices display understanding of each students anticipated learning difficulties Assessment Clear measurement criteria Objectives By the end of Clusters, teachers will be able to *identify students for WIN *explain importance of WIN (every kid needs a hero) *discuss how WIN provides tracked interventions/assessment over time
Who needs your help and support? Take a few moment to look at your list of students who need your support -Write any additional students who would benefit from WIN
*provides ELA/Math End of Year Galileo to help prioritize 3rd 3rd Win Binders *provides ELA/Math End of Year Galileo to help prioritize *Individualized Galileo reports to see trends over years (ELA is in front/Math back)
*provides ELA/Math End of Year AzMERIT to help prioritize 3rd 4th/5th Win Binders *provides ELA/Math End of Year AzMERIT to help prioritize *Individualized Galileo reports to see trends over years (AM class is in front/PM class back)
Partner chat Letters Who did you select for WIN support? *Why is it important to provide ______ with purposeful instruction during WIN? *Explain importance to parents during Curriculum Night -letters in backpacks on Thursday/Dojo Message Place in backpacks on Thursday & DOJO each student Allison Think about each kid as an individual. Heroes make a difference into each person’s live
Parent Communication For WIN *WIN- What I Need -preparing students to meet grade level expectations -privilege to attend -part of Individual Learning Plan *Invitation only -letters sent home Aug. 18th - DOJO *WIN Begins Monday August 20th -2:20-3:00 Monday-Tuesday Reading -2:20-3:00 Wednesday-Thursday Math *3:00 pm Dismissal to Gate A/Cubs Connection
What does WIN look like? WIN=Part of Instructional Day ☺ *If you have a sub then please leave plans *Google doc will be sent out for daily attendance *2:20-3:00 Monday-Thursday +3rd-5th release from classroom at 3:00 *2 consecutive days of ELA & 2 consecutive days of Math +4th/5th grade 4 days of content (2 days with each class) +Monday, Tuesday ELA, Wednesday Thursday Math *Invitation only +Principal will send out letters *5 student minimum and 8 maximum per day *Special Education teachers will take reteach group +Gifted classrooms will have four days of STEM ** All clubs run by general education teachers must be held on Fridays or after WIN time on Monday – Thursday from 3:00-4:00.
How will I provide support to students during WIN? *teach minute to minute with purposeful and intentional schedule *monitor student progress with pre/post assessment *track student progress to decide effectiveness of interventions How will I provide support to students during WIN? ** All clubs run by general education teachers must be held on Fridays or after WIN time on Monday – Thursday from 3:00-4:00.
Minute to Minute Schedule Example: +10 minute fluency practice (individual conference with teacher/game) +10 minute whole group model with manipulatives +10 minute group work +10 minute independent practice
Examples of Assessments & Tracking Progress Standards-based assessment (Galileo/SI) & in class assessments ILP or Study Island Warm Up DIBELS- ORF & Reading A-Z Benchmarks Reading Level Correlations TAI math screener & Rocket Math TAI super star & RM Recording sheet
Monitor Student Progress using Assessment with Tracking Sheet for Galileo/SI Example of 3rd grade student- Math
Monitor Student Progress using Assessment with Tracking Sheet for Reading Fluency Example of 3rd grade student- Math
Monitor Student Progress using Assessment with Tracking Sheet for Math Fluency Example of 3rd grade student- Math
Ticket Out the Door What assessments will you be using to monitor student progress? *DIBELS *Galileo/Study Island *TAI Screener *AZ Reading Benchmark How will you track student progress? Is there specific recording sheet you would like to use?