English 10 – Period 2 Agenda - Tues, 1/30 & Thurs, 2/1 Considerations: Due Tues, 1/30: Comma Practice 3, #11-20 / good start on final essay Due Thurs, 2/1: Comma Practice 4, #1-10 / final essay partially completed Due Mon, 2/5 – START OF CLASS - Comma Prac. 4 (#11-20) END OF CLASS – final essay submitted in Google Classroom IF ABSENT LAST CLASS – Remind text? Check agenda? Thurs, 2/1 – HEADING TO COMPUTER LAB FOR I-READY TEST
Today’s Activities MUG Shots Grammar Activity – Sentence #10B / Next week - 11A Comma Rules Tues, 1/30: Review Chomp Prac. 3, #11-20 / Work on Chomp Prac. 4, #1-10 (finish for HW) IF TIME AFTER I-Ready - Thurs, 2/1: Review Prac. 4 (#1-10)/work on Prac. 4, #11-20 (finish for HW) CNN 2017 Everyday Hero Essay Thurs, 1/25 thru long weekend: Check for returned essay from Ms. K/Use Ms. K’s feedback/comments to revise rough draft into final essay Tues, 1/30-Mon, 2/5: Work on final essay By END of class Mon, 2/5 - FINISH/SUBMIT final essay in Google Classroom folder The Canterbury Tales – DID NOT GET TO THIS - Next week: Read/listen to Prologue/work on Pilgrim Chart for Friar – start @11:28) Continue Prologue/work on Pilgrim Chart (up thru Wife of Bath- )
After I-Ready Test Commas Work on Chomp Comma Practice 4, #11-20 - due Mon, 2/5 CNN 2017 Everyday Hero Essay Work on revisions to final Hero essay – due by END of class Mon, 2/5 **Extra time needs? Work on outside of class (in addition to class time)** Canterbury Tales Begin - read/listen to Prologue/Friar (text and audio in Google Classroom folder)
HW/Considerations Commas Due Thurs, 2/1: Chomp Comma Practice 4, #1-10 Due Mon, 2/5: Chomp Comma Practice 4, #11-20 CNN 2017 Everyday Hero Essay Start of Thurs, 2/1: part of the way through on final essay (may have time in class after I-Ready testing) END of class Mon, 2/5: FINAL essay submitted in Google Classroom **Extra time needs? Work on outside of class (in addition to class time)**
Comma Rule Sentence Requirements Beowulf/Everyday Hero Essay In your essay, you MUST INCLUDE: At least ONE Comma Rule #1 sentence At least ONE Comma Rule #2 sentence At least ONE Comma Rule #3 sentence At Least TWO comma Rule #4 sentences (one must be INTRO; second is your choice) INCORPORATED QUOTES - follow Comma Rule #5 for quotations (also see ex’s - Google Classroom Topic - Writing Resources) **Peer Editor: annotate for Comma Rule Sentence req’s (note if any are missing or incorrect) **Student: final R. Draft MUST incl. Comma Sentence Rule req’s (Rule # in parentheses after sentence)
Rough Draft - CNN Beo & Everyday Hero Essay Type in Google Doc - MLA format – see posted example – paper copy/Google Classroom – Writing Resources See Intro examples – paper copy/Google Classroom – Writing Resources See Lead/Hook examples – paper copy/Google Classroom – Writing Resources Follow 5 Paragraph Essay format guidelines - paper copy/Google Classroom – Writing Resources Submit in Google Classroom assignment folder when complete (no later than end of class Tues, 1/16/18)
Common Lit Article – Being Human - Part One – Prewrite (Overdue) Prewrite Activities (graded): Paper Copy: CHOOSE ONE question! Annotate - highlight/underline relevant text to answer questions AND take notes to indicate how to connect to the question – detailed! For question: Include written notes to answer your question; include both a PERSONAL connection & REAL-WORLD connection example MUST INCLUDE ONE QUOTE from the article! Include Works Cited citation and in-text citation
Common Lit Article – Being Human - Part Two – Typed Response (work on IN CLASS Wed, 1/10 & Fri, 1/12) Typed Response – LCPS Google Drive: COMPLETE MLA formatted, typed response IN LCPS GOOGLE DRIVE INCLUDE quote INCORPOORATED w/in a sentence with in text citation in your response MUST INCLUDE a real world example and a personal example MUST INCLUDE Works Cited citation for article at bottom of response SUBMIT in Google Classroom assignment folder (DUE end of class Fri, 1/12)
Example – Incorporating a Quote using Title/Author of Article In the CNN Everyday Hero online article “A Hero Among Us” by George Martin, he shares that bakery owner Ava Johnson “spends countless hours of her personal time recruiting and retraining single mothers to rejoin the workforce” (Martin).
Example - In-Text Citations Novel (Author Last Name #) Online Article If there is an author - (Last Name of Author) IF there is no author - (“Title of Article”)
Example - Works Cited Citations Novel Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date. Online CNN Article Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Website, Publisher, Year Electronically Published, URL of Website. Date of Access.