30 Seconds rest after each! Then go back up!
FILTHY FIFTY -50 Box Jumps -50 Kettlebell Swings -50 Burpees -50 Push Ups -50 Box Jumps -50 Kettlebell Swings -50 Burpees -2x25 Second Battle Rope -50 Crunches -50 Air Squats -50 Arm-Band Curls
No Equipment Needed !!! Repeat 3 X
fa-AB-ulous Workout
CARDIO DAY -Spin Bikes (Light jog=Stand Up) -Treadmills -Ellipticals
Skys out- Thighs Out
On the first day of Christmas... 12 Days of Christmas Workout Toe Touches Kettle Bell Swings On the first day of Christmas...