Supporting the future of extraordinary teaching THE TIEGERMAN FUND – Supporting the future of extraordinary teaching TIEGERMAN PARTNERS IN MISSION SOCIETY The Tiegerman Partners in Mission Society is comprised of lead “investors” committed to the future of SLCD. Membership is open to all individuals, families or organizations that make a minimum $1,000 annual gift to The Tiegerman Fund. Each year, the school will count on leadership gifts such as these to provide the backbone for the program enhancements in the areas of technology, faculty enrichment, student venues and activities. Members of The Tiegerman Partners in Mission Society will be invited to a private reception hosted annually by Tiegerman administration in recognition of their leadership generosity. THE TIEGERMAN FUND: Benefit from your gifts! A minimum one-time gift of $750 (or a 12-month pledge of $65 or more) will get you two complimentary tickets to the 2018 Food & Wine event & two tickets to the Breakfast with Administrators A one-time gift of $500-$749 (or a minimum 12-month pledge of $50 or more) will get you one complimentary ticket to the 2018 Food & Wine event & one ticket to the Breakfast with Administrators A one-time gift of $250-$499 (or a minimum 12-month pledge of $30 or more) will get you two tickets to the Breakfast with Administrators & a copy of the Holiday/ Graduation DVD A one-time gift of $100-$249 (or a minimum 12-month pledge of $15 or more) will get you a copy of the Holiday/ Graduation DVD ___I would like to make a commitment to The Tiegerman Fund in the amount of: $ as a one-time gift. $ as a monthly gift for # of months ___I would like more information about remembering Tiegerman in my estate plan. Your Signature: Please make your check payable to: Tiegerman & return it in the enclosed envelope. If you would prefer to make a gift via credit card, please visit our website at or complete the following: Visa MasterCard Discover American Express Cardholder: Account number: Exp. date: Sec. Code: ___________________ If you would like to make a gift of appreciated securities or mutual funds, please contact: Joseph Geraci, Director of Institutional Advancement & External Relations at 516.609.2000 x313. Please ask your employer about matching gift opportunities. Often you can DOUBLE your gift through matching funds! THANK YOU! We are very grateful to all who choose to support our mission by making Tiegerman a charitable priority in their life. Your generosity remains a vote of confidence in our efforts to provide the very best in language communication development and community services for those with developmental disabilities. Tiegerman l 100 Glen Cove Avenue, Glen Cove, NY 11542 l 516.609.2000 l