Vocabulary List #12 (1-5) Wendy Espinoza
Ruck noun \ˈrək\ Other forms of word: -rucked (v.) -rucking (v.) -rucks (v.) Def: A tightly packed crowd of people. -Her personality made her be able to be distinguished from the ruck. Way to Remember: ruck is in the word ruckus which could be seen as a disturbance in the crowd.
Anachronism noun \ə-ˈna-krə-ˌni-zəm\ Other Forms of Word: -anachronistic (adj.) -anachronistically (adv.) Def: event out of place in time -Many of his views were not of the modern generation, and he was seen as an anachronism. Way to Remember: A chronometer is a clock- anachronism
Eke adverb \ˈēk\ Other Forms of Word: -eked (trans. v.) -eking (trans. v.) Def: to support oneself/make a living with difficulty -In this economy many people just eke through every day. Way to Remember: When someone asks you how you are getting through respond with “eeeeeeekee”
Quail verb \ˈkwāl\ Other Forms of Word: -quailed (intr. v.) -quailing (intr. v.) -quails (intr. v.) Def: show fear or apprehension -All of the other competitors quail before approaching her. Way to Remember: when you quail you tend to wail out in fear.
Tryst noun \ˈtrist\ Other Forms of Word: -trysted (intr. v.) -trysting (intr. v.) -trysts (intr. v.) Def: private romantic rendezvous between lovers -They had to be sure that nobody found out about the tryst planned at midnight. Way to Remember: when you have a tryst you try to keep it a secret