Termination Phase in Play Therapy Amy Ray LPC, NCC, Registered Play Therapist
Objectives Understand the importance of termination in the process of play therapy Increase knowledge of important factors to consider in termination Learn specific approaches/techniques in the termination phase
Phases in Play Therapy
Why is the Termination Phase Important Association for Play Therapy Best Practices Value of the Therapeutic Relationship (Gil & Crenshaw, 2016) Modeling Encourages Autonomy Relapse Prevention Avoid Misinterpretations
When to Start Planning Termination
Factors to Consider with Termination Treatment plan objectives and goals Symptoms reported by caregivers Symptoms reported by the client History of loss experienced by the client The client’s age
Factors to Consider with Termination Length of time in therapy How play has changed throughout the sessions Time constraints Option to gradually expand time between sessions Contact after termination
Reactions to Termination The child The caregivers The therapist
Components of Termination Phase Process feelings related to therapy ending Relapse Prevention (take home item?) Celebration of Achievements
Feeling Expressions Color Your Heart activity (Goodyear- Brown, 2002) Journal Give sheet with feeling words to help them articulate
Sample Journal Page Ms. Amy Dear ______, Today is the day you finish counseling. I am so excited for you! You have worked really hard over the past few months. I am so grateful I have gotten to know you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with me. That takes a lot of courage for most people and you were really brave. I hope you will always remember [positive traits they have]. I want you to have this journal to continue to explore your thoughts and feelings. I wish you good luck with future goals you make. Keep dreaming and just be you. Ms. Amy
Coping Skills Tool Box Customized to fit the client’s concern Can be a physical or electronic box Include different types of coping skills
Coping Skills Resources http://www.indigodaya.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Coping- skills-flyer.pdf http://www.thehelpfulcounselor.com/free-coping-skills-download- new-counseling-games-activities/ https://www.homestoriesatoz.com/printables/help-kids-manage- anger-free-printable-game.html
Grief Activities Memory book or box Grief Survival Kit https://thegriefcenter.wordpress.com/2013/06/ 19/grief-survival-kit/ The Invisible String by Patrice Karst and activity at http://fabulousarmylife.blogspot.com/2011/01/k ids-craft-invisible-string.html
Self-Esteem Activities Autograph dog Painted rocks Head in the Clouds Goodyear- Brown, 2002)
Other Activities Certificate Special snack Bracelets/necklaces
Other Activities http://creativesocialworker.tumblr.com/search/termination https://www.socialworkhelper.com/2014/04/02/ending-therapeutic- relationship-creative-termination-activities/ http://www.lianalowenstein.com/ Termination Challenges in Child Psychotherapy by Eliana Gil and David Crenshaw. 2016
References Gil, Eliana. Play Therapy Magazine Volume 10, Issue 4. Termination in Play Therapy: A Personal Reflection. December 2015 Gil, Eliana & Crenshaw, David. (2016). Termination Challenges in Child Psychotherapy Association for Play Therapy Best Practices: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.a4pt.org/resource/resmgr/publications/Be st_Practices__- _Sept_2016.pdf?hhSearchTerms=%22best+and+practices%22 https://thegriefcenter.wordpress.com/2013/06/19/grief-survival-kit/ http://www.counseling.org/resources/aca-code-of-ethics.pdf Goodyear-Brown, Paris. (2002). Digging for Buried Treasure: 52 Prop- Based Play Therapy Interventions for Treating the Problems of Childhood.
References http://www.thehelpfulcounselor.com/free-coping-skills-download- new-counseling-games-activities/ https://www.homestoriesatoz.com/printables/help-kids-manage- anger-free-printable-game.html http://www.indigodaya.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Coping- skills-flyer.pdf
One Last thing…… Consider “liking” Kids Inc. on Facebook Please email me at AmyRayLLC@gmail.com one thing you learned from this presentation. Thank you!