Flow 2: Coherence & Cohesion English 111 October 14, 2014
Flow: Or what kinds of changes should I make to my draft when? 1. Revision Coherence (Logical Clarity) Organizational Patterns Thesis, Topic Sentences, Paragraphs Persuasiveness (Ethos, Pathos, Logos) Strong Arguments with valid Evidence Improving your credibility as an author Engaging your readers’ emotions & interest Essay-level changes When you are in the revising stage of writing, this means making big level changes – anywhere from rethinking your whole topic or thesis to reorganizing the essay or adding and removing content. Some of the time you spend on your writing after the first draft should be in this stage.
Flow: Revising, Editing, Proofreading Coherence/ Cohesiveness Transitions Point of View Verb Tense Repetition Voice & Tone Word Choice Sentence Variety Redundancy Sentence-Level Changes When you are in the editing stage of writing, you are making adjustments to each sentence, improving the coherence of each sentence and the cohesiveness between them, and enhancing the voice or tone of your essay. Do not engage in editing until you have made the big changes you want to make in revision.
Flow: Revising, Editing, Proofreading Grammar Conjugation Pronoun Agreement Sentence Word Order Punctuation & Spelling Citation & Formatting MLA & APA rules Correctness & Error Changes When you are in the proofreading stage of writing, you are making relatively simple fixes, correcting errors and mistakes. There’s no sense in doing this until all the big revision and editing changes are made.
Editing for Flow: Coherence Word Repetition, p. 430 Repeating key words to tie ideas together throughout
Editing for Flow: Cohesion Point of View, p. 433 1st Person Ref. to Personal Experience Singular (I, me, my, mine, etc.) Plural (we, us, our, ours, etc.) 2nd Person Instructional/informal you, your, yours, etc. 3rd Person Formal, Academic, Objective Singular (he, she, it, him, hers, its) Plural (they, them, their, theirs)
Editing for Flow: Cohesion Verb Tense Maintaining same verb tense throughout Standard method is to write about events in another story in present verb tense Most important thing is to be consistent.
Editing for Flow: Voice & Tone Sentence Variety Writing sentences of varying lengths and various beginnings Word Choice Selecting a more accurate, specific, or descriptive word Avoiding Redundancy Removing words that are awkwardly repeated