Use of register-based information for small area statistics


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Presentation transcript:

Use of register-based information for small area statistics Riitta Koskinen

Content of my presentation Introduction Small area statistics based on administrative records and registers Labour Force Survey and Register-based Employment Statistics Comparison of Labour Force Survey and Register-based Employment Statistics Conclusions 7.4.2003





Employed according to the Labour Force Survey and Register-based Employment Statistics 1989-2001 7.4.2003

Persons according to the Register-based Employment Statistics (RES) and Labour Force Survey (LFS) on December 2000 (persons) 7.4.2003

Persons according to the Register-based Employment Statistics (RES) and Labour Force Survey (LFS) on December 2000 (percentages) 7.4.2003

Unemployed according to the LFS and the RES 1989-2001 7.4.2003

Register Based Employment Statistics Central Population Register Employees' pension Taxation registers Register Based Employment Statistics insurance files Taxation registers (incomes&employers) Register of Pension unemployed registers job-seekers Student registers Military service Register of completed Register of Local education enterprises Register government and degrees and estab- of state establish- lishments institutions ments Register of buildings and dwellings Census data files 7.4.2003

Conclusion In Register-Based census the economic activity all individuals is derived in a similar manner Questionnaire based survey may contain subjective view of the respondent As total data, the employment statistics are better at describing the employment and unemployment situation of towns and their sub-areas 7.4.2003