Welcome, Parents/Guardians & Students Parents: Please grab the handouts located by the door. Students: Please write your name on a post-it & pick a desk!
Welcome to 5th grade
The 5th Grade Team Mrs. Melissa Kelly Mrs. Rachel Lacy Mrs. Marcia Lee Mrs. Amy Levi Mrs. Rebecca Triplett
Student Expectations Capturing Kids Hearts is a program we use throughout the building. We greet our students with a handshake at the classroom door every morning and launch a goodbye every afternoon. Every class will create their own Social Contract. Many times these contracts cover the same type of expectations. The teachers encourage students to focus on respect, responsibility, and safety and give 100% effort in all they do! Students are expected to follow the Social Contract throughout their day!
Believe in your student. Parent Expectations Believe in your student. Ask your child about school and encourage them to talk about their day. Stay involved and contact the teacher with any concerns. Please say positive thoughts about the teacher or our school. Make sure your child is getting plenty of rest and is on time for school. Please use the resources to help with homework.
To be positive and helpful Teacher Expectations To be positive and helpful To provide a safe and caring environment To challenge students to achieve To be fair and understanding To keep you informed To work together to solve problems
Rewards and Consequences We believe in having class and individual rewards, as well as school-wide recognition! Some ways we’ll inform you of behavior is through positive notes, RVES Refocus forms, Schoology, phone calls home & emails.
Homework Expectations There’s no such thing as, “No homework” Fifth graders ARE expected to read every night! Bring appropriate handouts, textbooks, and writing tools to and from class when needed Know due dates for assignments and submit all assignments on time We will have planners Chromebooks will be used
Grades We use a “body of evidence” for our proficiency grades. Grades are based on: Scales (created to support the standards) Class work completion Projects Assessments (Formative and Summative) Participation and effort Homework completion
Snacks & Parties Due to severe allergies in our classroom, all nut products are PROHIBITED in our classroom. We allow HEALTHY snacks during the morning due to our late lunch (12:55). Parties: Fall, Winter, Valentine’s Day, and EOY Student Birthdays: Celebrate with non-food items
Waterbottles SPILL-PROOF water bottles help keep kids hydrated and our tech safe. All of our classrooms have technology that is easily damaged by water. Due to this, we are asking that all water bottles be tech friendly. Below are pictures to show you what kinds of bottles are appropriate for school use. X Easily spills and pours out. ✔ Cap prevents spills.
Recess Information Fifth grade uses Jared Jensen Park for our first recess at 11:40 – 12:00. Teachers walk the students to and from the park. Teachers supervise the students from five different positions and carry basic first aid kits.
Headphones All students MUST have headphones. They need to be the standard 3.5 mm jack. Make sure they have a straight plug as pictured below. The corner plugs do not fit our iPad covers. Often headphones will break from use. If your student’s headphones break, you will need to send a replacement within one week. Headphones are critical to your student’s education.
Parent Involvement Join the PTA, SAC, or DAC committees Come to Conferences and Family Nights Volunteer in the classroom* Help at Parties Be a Chaperone on a Trip* *Must be fingerprinted!
Supplies Our supply list is located on our website at https://www.d49.org/domain/1720 *Please bring the supplies in by Tuesday, August 7th.
Need to contact us? ·Amy Levi – alevi@d49.org ·Melissa Kelly – mkelly@d49.org ·Rachel Lacy – ralacy@d49.org ·Marcia Lee – mlee@d49.org ·Rebecca Triplett –rtriplett@d49.org
Let’s Have a Great Year! Any questions?