To check your Pay Advice, select your point of entry from the Main Menu page of Owl Link. If you are a faculty member, select “Faculty”. If you are an employee select “Employee” for your point of entry.
After selecting your point of entry you need to login to Owl Link After selecting your point of entry you need to login to Owl Link. Click the Log In tab located top of the menu page.
Enter your UserID and password then click SUBMIT.
Once you login and are returned to the previous menu page select PAY ADVICES under Faculty or Employee Profile section.
You will be provided links for the pay advice for each pay period You will be provided links for the pay advice for each pay period. Click on the link of the date of the pay advice you would like to view.
Your pay advice will open Your pay advice will open. Here is a dummy version of a pay advice that shows you the categories of information you will be able to view on your pay advice.