WTO Trade Profiles I. Basic economic indicators – population, GDP, current account balance, etc. II. Trade policy indicators – specific WTO relevant information, including tariff binding information, import duties collected in total tax revenue, the number of dispute rulings (complainant, defendant), notifications outstanding and contingency measures in force. III. Merchandise trade indicators (customs-based statistics) – information on total trade flows broken down by broad product categories and major origins and destinations. IV. Commercial services indicators (balance of payments based statistics) – trends in total trade flows and a breakdown by major components. V. Industrial property indicators – annual number of patents granted and marks registered in the name of residents and non-residents in the economy. This publication combines information on trade flows and trade policy measures of members, WTO observers and other selected economies. The information is derived from various WTO divisions and external sources and presented in standardized format for quick reference. http://stat.wto.org/CountryProfile/WSDBCountryPFHome.aspx?Language=E
WTO Trade Profiles