Welcome Back !!!! Turn in Science Syllabus Date- 9/11/18 Supplies: Science notebook Pencil Homework Turn in Science Syllabus Voice level 1-2 about why we Self-Assess (or what does Self-Assess mean?)
Learning Goals & Success Criteria LT: I can organize my science notebook. SC: Create table of contents Create sample notes page.
Agenda Review Notebook Set up Start Science Lesson (Whoo-Hooo)
Review What is 1 example of being Excellent, Accepting, Respecting, and Safe in Science? What are the 3 important parts of being a team?
Notebook Set Up Number each page in the bottom outside corner. THE ENTIRE BOOK First Page: Write “Earth Science” and your name on TOP. Then decorate appropriately.
Table of Contents Page Date Title/Topic Create Table of Contents on both pages 2 and 3 Using a ruler or straight edge
We will come back to this page Label “Science Goals on page 4 Science Goals Leave Area Blank We will come back to this page 4 5
Leave Blank for Science Goals 6 7
Leave Blank for Science Goals 8 9
Date Date Title/Topic Notes: LT: Learning Target “Example Page” LT: Learning Target *Write the LT(s) for the day or lesson Entry Task: Solve/Complete Warm-up Examples Foldable Graphic Organizers Diagrams Worksheets (taped in/NOT loose) Teacher Questions/Answers Graphs Thanking Maps Homework/Analysis Questions Reflection CER LTU: Learning Target Understood I successfully met my LT by… Some key points about todays topic are… Some strategies I can use to help me be successful next time are… **Exit Task Work Here** 10 11
Science and Engineering Practices Cross Cutting Concepts Ask Questions and Defining asnwers Developing and Using Models Planning and carrying out investigations Analyze and Interpreting Data Using Math and Computational Thinking Construct Explanations and Designing Solutions Engaging in Argument from Evidence Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information Patterns Cause and Effect Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Systems and System Management Energy and Matter Structure and Function Stability and Change Tape in SEPs and CCCs to the Left Margin 150 151 Subtract 10 from your last page. Example 160-10=150
Save the remaining pages for Vocabulary Key Vocabulary Word Definition Example Save the remaining pages for Vocabulary 152 153
Tabs Use the small sticky notes to label your table of contents, science goals, and vocabulary sections. We will use tape to keep them in place.
SMART Goals Specific: Good goals are clear and defined. If your goals are too general, they will be hard to accomplish. Measurable: You must be able to measure your progress toward your goal so you know when you have reached it. Achievable: You need to set goals that can feasibly be reached within your excepted frame. Try cutting a bigger goal into parts. Relevant: Make sure your goal aligned with your values and making sure your goal with worthwhile. Time: Every goal needs a time frame. This helps motivate and focus you on achieving your goal. Make sure your timeframe is realistic.
SMART GOAL TEMPLATE GLUE HERE Science Goals November/December SMART Goal: Check In: Completed: Strategies that helped me meet my goal: Strategies to help me with my next goal: SMART GOAL TEMPLATE GLUE HERE September/October SMART Goal: Check In: Completed: Strategies that helped me meet my goal: Strategies to help me with my next goal: 4 5
Exit Task On your slip Write a personal goal you have for yourself this year. Write the Science goal you chose for September/October