Happy Monday! Please turn in your summaries from last week into the basket. Bell work: What does it mean to be kind to someone? Explain the difference between a subject and a predicate.
30 Days of Random Acts of Kindness
Your Goal #1 Find 20 different people this month and do something nice for them. It can be as simple as holding a door, sharing your lunch, helping a neighbor, shoveling someone’s sidewalk without them knowing, the list is endless. Then write about it in your notebook.
Your Goal #2 Find 10 items you are thankful for and writing about it. Then write about it in your notebook.
Each Day Needs a date What you did How did you feel afterwards. Their reaction (if any)
However, you do need all of the important pieces in your journal. Where Do I Write It? You decide… You can type this You can handwrite this You can put this in a nice journal You can put this in a notebook You can use construction paper and design your own book. This is your project to design and create this kindness journal any way you would like. However, you do need all of the important pieces in your journal.
Final Project Needs to be neat and nicely put together. Needs to either be typed or nicely hand written. Needs to be in a book format. Needs to have an entry every day.
Just Think…..
Due Date December 9th…….