FixO3 Service Activity information SA 6 Biscay AGL-Southeastern Bay of Biscay Air- Sea Interaction and Hydrography Ocean Physics and Climate Change SA starting date: month 13 Scientific contact person: Alicia Lavín - Data manager: Daniel Cano - IEO – Instituto Español de Oceanografía 1
Presentation of products offered for Biscay AGL 2
AGL BUOY data validation with data from monthly cruises Biscay AGL AGL BUOY data validation with data from monthly cruises SST (ºC) SSS 3
Biscay AGL Current wave characterization, defined by significant wave height and periods (mean and peak) plotted over monthly climatology October 2014 October 2014 Mean period [s] Peak period [s] Significant wave height [m] Significant wave height [m] 4
Biscay AGL Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies. Instant (left) ad aggregate (right) SST Anomaly as of Oct 3rd 2014 @ 07 UTC is +2.31oC Aggregate SST anomaly January to September 2014 SST (ºC) SST (ºC) Year 2014 Year 2014 5
Biscay AGL Sea surface salinity (SSS) anomalies. Instant (left) and aggregate (right) SSS Anomaly as of Oct 3rd 2014 @ 07 UTC is -0.32 (PSS) Aggregate SSS anomaly January to September 2014 SST (PSS) SST (PSS) Year 2014 Year 2014 6
De-tided current as of Oct 3rd 2014 @ 10:54 UTC Biscay AGL Present status of the most superficial current plotted over climatology De-tided current as of Oct 3rd 2014 @ 10:54 UTC 7
Quality controlled Oxygen series Biscay AGL Quality controlled Oxygen series 8
Biscay AGL Air-sea heat fluxes 9
Mixed layer depth estimation Biscay AGL Mixed layer depth estimation 10
Presentation of products offered for Biscay AGL Products are mostly ready and working They are actually offered and published at EMECO data tool can be used for product publication 11