Collapse of Imperial China What causes the Chinese Civil War?
I. China 1911-1920 Dr. Sun Yixian (Yat-Sen) 1. Sun’s group is called the Kuomintang (KMT) 2. KMT believes in nationalism, democracy, & equality 3. Rich landowners don’t support KMT & become warlords, forming their own armies and governments A. 1911: Nationalists led by Sun Yixian overthrow the Emperor of China B. 1919: Chinese people upset that Treaty of Versailles gives German-Chinese territory to Japan 1. Students begin to protest during the May Fourth Movement Down with Western Imperialism! Dr. Sun Yixian (Yat-Sen)
II. China 1921-1927 No Commies! Mao must Go! Mao Zedong in the 1920s A. May 4th protestors led by Chinese Communist, Mao Zedong 1. Due to protests, Western countries don’t support to Sun’s govt. B. Mao tells Sun the Soviet Union will aid his govt, Soviets send aid C. Sun lets Mao’s Communists join KMT, Mao will help beat warlords D. 1925: Sun Yixian dies E. New KMT leader is a businessman named Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jeishi) F. 1927: Warlords are beaten, Chiang turns on the communists No Commies! Mao must Go! 1. Mao & the communists flee into exile Mao Zedong in the 1920s
III. China 1927-1937 VS. Nationalist China (KMT) A. 1927: US & Britain recognize Chiang’s gov B. Mao trains peasants in guerilla warfare VS. C. 1930: Civil War begins: KMT’s Nationalist Army is beating Mao’s People’s Liberation Army Communist China (CPC) D. 1933: Nationalists chase Communists-6K mile, 370 day “Long March” P. 451 – 1) What direction do Communists march? 2) Why not east or west? E. 1937: Japan invades China F. Chiang & Mao agree to a truce G. Nationalists & Communists combine armies to fight Japan