based on the Conrad-Demarest Model of Empire Empire Building based on the Conrad-Demarest Model of Empire
Conrad and Demarest 1984 – published their model for understanding empire in Religion and Empire: The Dynamics of Aztec and Inca Expansionism The model proves useful for understanding the rise and fall of empires throughout world history
Preconditions for Empire (Ingredients) State-level government High agricultural potential of the environment An environmental mosaic Several small states with no clearly dominant state Mutual antagonism between several small states Adequate military resources
The Catalyst - building an ideology Personal identification with the state Empire Conquest militarism
Major Results of Empire Economic rewards reaped in the early years and redistributed to the elite and sometimes the citizenry Population increases often supported by the government and its ideology
Empires Fall Because… Expansion and conquest exceed practical limits Failure to continue expansion and conquest erodes faith in the government and its ideology Rebellions topple the empire
What Greece looked like before Alexander came along . . . Greek city-states joined together for Olympics and when threatened by outsiders Wealth from trade Cultural developments Greek city-states fought amongst themselves when not threatened
What Alexander had going for him . . . Inherited a strong centralized government from his father Abundant food supply & agricultural potential Close to Greek city-states that were fighting amongst themselves Military resources
Rewards for Alexander the Great Economic strength Wealth, trade, food supplies and natural resources Population increase Ideological support Conquered people benefit Begin to support Alexander Greek culture spreads
Alexander’s Empire 323 BCE
Why did Alexander’s empire fall? Why do you think Alexander’s empire fell?
Why did Alexander’s empire fall? Lost support of his troops Too far from home Lack of supplies Continued to conquer & troops had no hope of returning home Unable to control conquered territory too far away and not enough man power No heir prepared to take over