Decadence Indulging in such decadence made me feel sluggish.


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Presentation transcript:

decadence Indulging in such decadence made me feel sluggish.

Given a jar of honey, Pooh reveled in the decadence of consuming it.

decadence: noun definition: moral or cultural decline caused by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence

dek-uh-duh ns dek-uh-duh ns decadence pronunciation: dek-uh-duh ns

decadence related forms: noun decadency adjective decadent adverb decadently

decadence synonyms: dissolution turpitude corruption downfall decline excess decay self indulgence degradation

decadence The Mayan Ruins tell the story of the decadence of their society.

decadence The casinos in Las Vegas are renown for their decadence.

decadent Decadent desserts can be very enticing.

decadently Partygoers behave decadently during Mardi Gras.

decadently The decade of the 1920’s was a time when many people decadently celebrated whenever the moment availed itself.

decadency The moral and political decadency of some politicians disheartens many Americans today.

decadency Many people love the decadency of the holiday season with all the great food and time spent relaxing with family.