Islam Judaism Christianity Major World Religions Islam Judaism Christianity
Islam Islam is a monotheistic religion. Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world, after Christianity. Mohammad is God’s prophet – he is not to be worshipped, but is to be respected and revered because God spoke directly to him. The Koran is the sacred book of Islam that contains the laws of God passed down to Mohammad on Mount Sinai.
Muslims Followers of Islam are called Muslims. There are two main branches of Islam: Sunni & Shi’a. Muslims are not to be confused with Arabs. Muslims may be of any nationality. A Mosque is a Muslim place of worship similar to a church or temple. Mosques are considered to be homeless shelters, and they usually do not have furniture, since the Islamic religion teaches a simple way of life for its followers.
Major Muslim Celebrations The Hajj is the journey to the Holy city of Mecca, and all Muslims should make this spiritual journey at least once in their lifetime. Muslims fast - do not eat or drink between sunup & sundown - for a month during the celebration of Ramadan. It takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, the month when the Koran was revealed to the prophet Mohammed. Fasting is meant to teach the person patience, sacrifice & humility, and during this time, Muslims pray more than usual, asking God for guidance and forgiveness.
Judaism Judaism is a monotheistic religion. The first five books of the Old Testament make the sacred book of the Jewish religion – the Torah, & it dates from before the time of Jesus Christ. It is considered to be the law of God passed down to Moses on Mount Sinai.
Jews Followers of Judaism are called Jews. Jews do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. They are still awaiting the arrival of the Messiah. Their place of worship is called a Temple. Some Jews live in Israel, which they consider to be their spiritual homeland, and where they believe the Messiah will appear. A Bar Mitzvah (boy) or Bat Mitzvah (girl) means “one to whom the commandments apply”, and is celebrated when a Jewish youth reaches the age of 13, and becomes an adult Jew.
Christianity Christianity is the largest religion in the world. Christianity is a monotheistic religion. The Holy book of Christianity is the Bible -the Gospels are four books of the New Testament written by the apostles Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John about the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings. Helping people less fortunate than oneself is basic to Christian teaching.
Christians Followers of Christianity are called Christians. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. There are several branches of the Christian religion - the largest of which is Roman Catholicism. Other branches of Christianity are Protestant (this includes Baptist, Methodist, & Presbyterian) and Orthodox, whose beliefs differ slightly from those of the Catholics, but are all still Christian.