Electromagnetics II (ELEC ENG 3FK4) A course about dynamic electromagnetics (electromagnetic waves) Coupling between electric and magnetic fields Maxwell’s equations EM wave transmission EM wave radiation
Content Introduction (A review on static E/M fields) Time-varying fields and coupling between E/M fields Maxwell’s equations Interaction between fields and matters Transmission lines Radiation and antennas Plane waves, reflection, and refraction Waveguides and resonators Application examples
Organization 3 lectures per week for 12 weeks (from Sept. 5 to Nov. 29) at HH-109, starting from the 1st week (Sept. 5) 1 tutorial per week for 11 weeks at HSC-1A1, starting from the 2nd week (Sept. 12) 5 assignments (Matlab experiments) every other week, starting from the 3rd week (Sept. 17), due in 2 weeks 4 labs every other week at ITB-154, starting from the 4th week (students are divided into 11 groups, with G1/2 on M, G3/4 on Tu, G5/6/11 on W, G7/8 on Th, G9/10 on F, running on bi-weekly basis with even numbered groups starting each lab first, i.e., even numbered groups have their labs in weeks 4, 7, 9, and 11, odd numbered groups have their labs in weeks 5, 8, 10, and 12, respectively) Midterm on Oct. 22 (Monday) evening from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at MCMST CDN-MARTYRS student testing centre Final exam: TBD
Materials Lectures notes (will be available for download soon at the course webpage) Lab volt manual (will be available for download soon at the course webpage) Textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics, 9th Edition, by W. Hayt, Jr. and J. A. Buck, McGraw Hill, ISBN 9781260084566 Main reference: Elements of Electromagnetics, 3rd Edition, by M. N. O. Sadiku, Oxford, ISBN 139780195134773 McMaster standard calculator and letter-sized cheat sheets (1 for midterm and 3 for final exam, in double sides) are permitted in tests and exams
Assessment 5 assignments, 5% each, total worth 25% 4 labs, 5% each, total worth 20% 1 midterm, worth 15% Final exam, worth 40% (test cumulative knowledge) No statistical scaling method will be used in grading
Contact Information Course webpage: will be ready soon, the link will be provided to you afterwards Instructor: Xun Li, ext. 27698, cell: 905-220-1979, lixun@mcmaster.ca, Office: ITB-A313 Instructor’s office hours: Wednesdays 2:30pm-4:30pm, or special booking through e-mail or phone call TAs (5): names, contacts, and office hours will be on the course web page soon