Bell Ringer What associations (words or thoughts) do you make with Adolf Hitler’s name or image?
Hitler’s Rise to Power 17-3
Hitler’s Youth Born in Austria in 1889 Father -- Alois Shicklgruber Alois was domineering, authoritarian; had Adolf in his 50s, retired shortly after Arguments over Adolf’s career Adolf wanted to be an artist, Dad wanted him to be a civil servant (arguments usually centered around school choice) Young Adolf’s interests German military history, American West
Teenage Years 1903 father dies Adolf the student Drops out Became head of the family at age 14 Adolf the student Lazy, uncooperative, daydreamer Drops out His talent for drawing (ability to draw details of architecture from memory) led to his Art Test Art School test Evaluated as ordinary, lacking appreciation of the human form; Why don’t you go to architectural school? (Not his dream AND needed a high school diploma
The Nadir of Young Adolf’s Life Nadir = Lowest Point 1907 mother’s death Increasingly unstable, gravely serious, fits of uncontrollable rage Adolf’s personality shift Plans for the redesign of Vienna, started writing an opera; all projects abandoned Mr. Big Project 1910-1912 lived in poor housing, sold paintings to Jewish shop owners 1909 Portrait of the Young Man As An Artist
Hitler’s Studies Interested in politics Studies political movements Pan-German nationalism, anti-Semitism Studies political movements Karl Lueger -- mayor of Vienna; demagogic (characteristic) orator and anti-Semite Draft dodger Fled Vienna because of compulsory military service Enlistee Enlisted in Germany army at dawn of war in 1914
World War I Blamed Jews for anti-war sentiment Temporarily blinded by chlorine gas Heard of surrender lying in hospital bed “There followed terrible days and even worse nights -- I knew that all was lost… These nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for this deed.” -- Adolf Hitler
Hitler’s Rise to Power Joined National Socialist Worker’s Party in 1919 1923 tried to overthrow Weimar Republic in the Beer Hall Putsch Jailed for treason; wrote Mein Kampf Outlined need for lebensraum and the superiority of the Aryan race extreme German nationalism, anti-Semitism, anti-communism, right of superior nations to expand.
Hitler’s Rise Con’t The Depression created need for a strong leader By 1934 was both Chancellor and Fuhrer Banned political parties Authority enforced by the SS, the Brownshirts, and the Gestapo Controlled all media and burned books
Hitler’s Rise to Power (cont) Children forced to join the Hitler Youth or the League of German Girls Anti-Semitism was key belief of Nazis Passed laws depriving Jews of rights Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) on Nov. 9, 1938