Video on Demand (VoD) Email all VoD creative to: OnlineTrafficking@five.tv Ad Operations Contacts: Kirsty Roos Kirsty.Roos@five.tv 020 8612 7546 Lee Martin lee.martin@five.tv 020 8612 7544 IMD tv@imdplc.com 020 7468 6850 Adstream tvuk@adstream.com 020 7539 8400 File format: MP4 Dimensions: 832px x 468px Aspect ratio: 16x9 Bitrate: 1.5Mbps Codec: H.264 Video Length: Max of 30 seconds - unless agreed otherwise. Please note a premium will be charged for longer length creatives Clock slates should be removed Letterboxing should not be used All files need to be supplied with clock number for clearance through Clearcast (see next slide for more information). Click URL: to be supplied by advertiser/agency Tracking: all clicks and impressions are recorded by Channel 5, additional third-party tracking can be supplied by advertiser/agency, depending on the provider. The agency/advertiser are responsible for notifying Channel5 Ad Ops team of any tracking issues within 24 hours of campaign live date. Due to the variety of 4th tracking providers, please check with us whether we can support the provider. To avoid unnecessary delays delivery of ads should be via Adstream or IMD – see contacts Please note if your campaign is running on the Virgin Media Platform then please contact their Ad ops Team for information on their specs: adops@virginmedia.co.uk Creative is required to spec five working days before campaign start date. All creatives are subject to Channel 5 approval. Please refer to Channel 5’s standard terms and conditions for advertising.
What is a clock number? A clock number is given to a commercial to identify a particular version and it is unique to a particular product. The clock number is made up of 15 characters. For example: AMV/BTBB001/030 AMV – this represents either the creative agency or the production house BT – in this example the product is British Telecom BB – the product is broadband 001 – is the version number of the broadband commercial 030 – represents the time length of the commercial, in this example 30 seconds The clock number is given to the commercial by the production house, sometimes by the creative agency, that produces the commercial. It is responsible for sending the final version of the commercial to Clearcast for approval. A digital buyer would contact the production house for the latest clock number(s) for the commercial. Please note the vod creative needs to match the clock number exactly, a linear clock number cannot be used for a VOD commercial if it is not identical. Clearcast www.Clearcast.org.uk 020 7339 4700 Creative is required five working days before campaign start date. All creatives are subject to channel 5 approval. Please refer to channel 5’s standard terms and conditions for advertising.
Contact us Sales: Display and Video on Demand Gareth Vaughn Jones Emily Hill Patrick Kelly Head of Digital Sales Digital Sales Manager T: 020 8612 7021 T: 020 8612 7547 T: 020 8612 7503 E: Gareth.Vaughn.Jones@Channel5.com E: Emily.Hill@Channel5.com E: Patrick.Kelly@Channel5.com Ad Operations: Creative and Trafficking Email all VoD and display creative to: OnlineTrafficking@channel5.com Aimee Goldsmith Kirsty Roos Lee Martin Traffic and Analytics Coordinator Traffic and Analytics Executive T: 020 8612 7541 T: 020 8612 7546 T: 020 8612 7544 E: Aimee.Goldsmith@Channel5.com E: Kirsty.Roos@Channel5.com E: Lee.Martin@Channel5.com