Topic 2a – America Transforms Objectives: Compare the American lifestyle before and after the Industrial Revolution. Explain how one piece of technology can transform an entire society. Relevance New inventions ultimately change a society. They’ve even changed yours so far.
Then and now Prior to industry Most Americans farm for a living Feeds them Allows them to sell and make some money Large population of small farmers Small population of large plantations Cottage Industry: Manufacturing is done in the home Building goods took a long time Family taught you everything Expensive, hand-made, expert- made items Work done by skilled workers
Then and now America industrializes Lowell, Massachusetts Uses water power to fuel machines like the Power Loom Breaks down production into smaller steps Multiple people create one part of the good, not the whole thing Triples production capability and greatly reduces the price of goods Lowell paid his all female staff a wage Most Lowell workers are considered unskilled Industrial Revolution: the transition from manufacturing and work being done at home, to factories What inventions made America produce things differently? (share with your neighbor and write an answer down)
Then and Now Agriculture benefits from industry McCormick tractors greatly increase agricultural production American economy strengthens as it is capable of producing cheap agriculture and manufactured goods. Despite this change, American cities begin to outpace farms in terms of growth. 1. Using the third point above as a start, how did the American economy change in the 1800s? Diagram it step by step (work with your partner to solve)
Then and Now Water power leads to Steam Power Creates railroads Makes transportation faster, easier, cheaper Lowers the price of goods even further Allows for the fast settlement of American cities Migration to the West and immigration increases dramatically Transcontinental Railroad connects the East and West Coast Reduces travel time from 26 weeks to 1 week 1. How did the change in energy transform transportation in America? What major effect did it have on the population and growth? (work with your partner)
Transformation of America
Transformation of America
Transformation of America Use the space below to create a T-Chart that shows America before and after the Industrial Revolution. Use the cutouts to place them on the right side with the person next to you. Before After