Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks


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Presentation transcript:

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

Welcome and Introductions ……………………… 6:30- 6:40 p.m. AGENDA Welcome and Introductions ……………………… 6:30- 6:40 p.m. Project Background and Alternatives Overview….. 6:40- 7:10 p.m. Breakout Activities……………………………… 7:10- 8:10 p.m. Summary of Activities…………………………….... 8:10- 8:20 p.m. Conclusions and Next Steps………………………. 8:20- 8:25 p.m. Closing Remarks …………………………………... 8:25- 8:30 p.m. Heading text is white in a violet box, in 18 pt Gil Sans. It should be centered in its box, so that there is an equal margin on both left and right. The heading should align (left) with bulleted text below it. The bullets are center aligned with the vertical rule. When text extends to 2 lines or more, it should be indented so that all lines are aligned. Vertical spacing between lines of text should be less than paragraph spacing, to facilitate the different bulleted items. Lighter images should have a thin black stroke around them, to separate them from the background. On all pages except the title the band along the bottom is violet; Client name is Gil Sans 18 pt, mixed case, in green. Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

NEXT STEPS November, 2008: Development of Draft Preferred Alternative December 10, 2008: Task Force Meeting #5, Draft Preferred Alternative Date to be Determined: Workshop #3, Draft Preferred Alternative Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks

MARTIAL COTTLE PARK MASTER PLAN Community Workshop #2: Draft Master Plan Alternatives Title slide has a white band along the bottom, with DC&E’s logo and name flush right. All other pages have a violet band with the project name in green. Heading text is 20 pt Gil Sans bold. Longer titles can be reduced to 18 pts. Subtitles can be included under the rule at the top. They are smaller in 16 pt regular. If the title is reduced in size, so should the subtitles, so there is sufficient contrast between them. Santa Clara County Parks & Recreation Department and California State Parks October 23, 2008 D E S I G N , C O M M U N I T Y & E N V I R O N M E N T