WHAT IS PERIODIZATION? Each period is defined by 3 conditions A geographical component: civilization spreads or expands contracts shrinks Increase, decrease in contacts across regions Emergence of parallel developments across globe Define a Period/Turning Point may occur At different time In different regions Dates are not the best way Significant Change (power/technology/commerce/etc.)
Technological & Environmental Transformations 8,000 BCE to 600 BCE What was it like before?/What was the change?/What happened to the nomads? Change begins w/ agr./sed. Generally small city-states, few empires Two Sub-periods Neolithic Ancient River Valley Civilizations Language, Religion, Law, Building, Trade Ends with rise of large, regional empires
Organization and Re-organization of Human Society 600 BCE to 600 CE Large, regional empires Military aristocracies Integrate regions Permanent traditions Regional Civilizations China, India, SW Asia (Cuneiform), Mediterranean Mesoamerica and Andean America Strong contacts between regional centers Many areas outside classical civilizations Ends with massive nomadic invasions
Regional & Trans-regional Interactions 6OO CE to 1450 CE Rise of Islam & Chinese Renaissance 1st trans-regional civilization Spain-Africa-Eurasia Innovations: travel & imitated Spread of universalizing religions, philosophies New civilization centers-Entrepots Connected by the Silk Road network Peaked with Mongols, Hit rock bottom w/ Black Death
Global Interactions Begins 1450 AD TO AD 1750 Rise of gunpowder empires Muslim Western Europe World Shrinks All continents included in world network Global trade develops for first time Great exchanges Goods, products, flora, fauna, people, germs, metals Ideas especially European, Christianity
Industrialization and Global Integration 1750 CE to 1900CE: “The West & the Rest” Era of many revolutions Technological Political Social, Intellectual Faster & Broader trade networks Western Global Hegemony-Imperialist Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia USA, Japan are newest powers Westernization vs. Modernization
Accelerating Global Change and Realignment 1900 to Present “Change, Change, Change” The American Century, Retreat of Europe Rise of Pacific Rim, India Collapse of European empires Modernization vs. westernization Modernization vs. traditionalism Rise of new political forms Mass culture Technology, telecommunications dominate age