Programme 20 minutes: Learning goals Chapter 1 and main points


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Presentation transcript:

Programme 20 minutes: Learning goals Chapter 1 and main points Learning goals Chapter 9 Democracy under discussion (p.132 -137) Questions about homework Chapter 9 Democracy under discussion Some mainpoints from the course book (3 slides) Preparing debate in small groups and maybe we’ll have one debate to start with

https://www. youtube. com/watch

Democracy is the agreement to disagree Democracy establishes peaceful solutions of conflicts Democracy turns enemies into opponents

Democracy under discussion Parliamentary democracy; page 132 - 137

Learning goals You are able to mention four preconditions for a well-functioning democracy and a are able to evaluate whether these conditions are met in a given situation; You are able to mention chances and risks related to the tension between representativeness and representation; You are able to mention chances and risks related to the question if citizens should be more politically active in our democracy. You are able to articulate and defend a substantiated opinion even if it’s not your own opinion.

9.1 Preconditions for a well-functioning democracy A vibrant civil society in which citizens are active in political parties, non-governmental organizations (ngo’s) and mass media. Fundamental rights are respected by the government (like freedom of press, freedom of speech, equality for the law). Too great a social divide because of social inequality should be avoided. Political decissions should be suffiently effective and accepted as legitimate.

9.2 Representation and representativeness Representation means that some people who are elected or appointed may speak on behalf of the group. Representativeness means that the opinions and/or characteristics of the people who speak on behalf of the group, precisely reflect the opinions and/or characteristics of the group. People have different ideas on the necessity of representativeness in representation (read the course book page 134-135 for examples).

9.3 Political dilemma What are chances and risks of citizens being more politically active in our society? (Read the course book p.136-137 for examples)

In debate

Structure debate (4 rounds of 2 minutes max) Proponent 1 Opponent 2 Statement Refutation A and B Argument A and B Counter argument X and Y Proponent 2 Opponent 2 Refutation X and Y Refutation A, B and C Argument C Counter argument Z Repair A and B Repair X and Y

What: Preparation debate (arguments pro and con and refutations) How: In six groups Time: 10 minutes Help: Teacher walks around Result: Debate Statements: 1. We should elect our prime minister in a contest like Hollands Next Prime Minister. 2. Half of the representatives in politics should be women. 3. Members of parliament should be selected by a lotery.