Erasmus+ Project Animal Integration in the Educational Programme-ZORO Romanian multiplier event 16th of June, 2017 Scoala Gimnaziala Asau
Participants At the multiplier event in the frame of the Erasmus+ project Animal Integration in the Educational Programme-ZORO in Romania took part a number of 85 guests- teachers, representatives of NGO for dog rescue, specialists in animal care, specialists in education of children with special needs and other categories from Romania, Germany, Austria and Great Britain.
The programme of the event 12:00- Welcoming guests 12:15- Presentation of the project ''Animal integration in the educational programme''- aims and activities, by teacher Loredana Matei, project coordinator at Scoala Gimnaziala Asau 12: 25- Presentation of Erasmus teacher mobilities within the project and teacher' training at Elista Education, Ireland 12: 40- Videos with example of sessions, teachers and students' opinions on Animal Assisted Interventions 13;00- Presentation of the intelectual output – the final methodological guide of the project 13:30-Speeches by the specialists invited to the event 14:00- Presentation of the Erasmus+ programmes 14;15-Disscusions and appreciations on the topic of integrating Animal Assisted Interventions in school education by the partcipants 15.00- End of presentation and meal
The invitation to the event
Presentation of project and activities- an overall view
Presentation of Elista Education and teachers’ training
Watching videos with examples of sessions with children
Presentation of the guide- intelectual output of the project-in Romanian and English
Speeches and presentation of specialists in stray dog rescue- NGO from UK
Speeches of teachers from The High School “M Elias, Sascut” with veterinarian specialization
Presentation of Erasmus+ programmes by the coordinator of Europe Direct Comanesti Center
Apreciation of project activities by the Mayor of Comănești
On-line articles about the multiplier event on Comanesti Town facebook page and Europe Direct Comanesti page
The teachers from Asau involved in the organization of the event together with the Mayor of Comanesti Town and the coordinator of Europe Direct Center, Comanesti
Thank you very much for your attention!