3rd Grade Adventures January 29- February 2 Word Study MAUE January 29- February 2 Word Study Im- means not 1. immobile 11. immovable 2. immortal 12. improbable 3. improper 4. impolite 5. impractical 6. impossible 7. impatient 8. immeasurable 9. imperfect 10. impure Test Friday February 2nd - spelling and application Language Skill: Close Reading skills Informative Writing Non-fiction text features Reminders SCHOOL COUNSELOR’s WEEK Feb. 5-9 – We LOVE Mrs. Lynn!! Jag Store- Feb. 8th Progress Reports go home Feb. 8th Magnolia Breakfast- Feb. 9 Valentine’s Day parties Feb. 14th at 1p.m. Reading/Vocabulary Electromagnet- noun. A piece of iron with wire wound around it. It becomes a magnet when an electric current is passed through the wire. Squinted- verb. To partially close the eyes Observe- verb. To make a careful study of Crane- noun. A large machine with a long arm that can be moved up and down and in a circle. Cables at the end of the crane’s arm are used to lift and move heavy objects. Hypothesis- noun. Something that is suggested as being true for the purposes of further investigation. An idea that you can test through study and experimentation. An educated guess Positive- adjective. Having one of two opposite kinds of electric charge Negative- adjective. Having one of two opposite kinds of electric charge. Practically- adverb. Nearly, almost Conclusions- noun. Something decided after thinking and experimenting We will begin a new novel this week called Jake Drake: Know-It-All. These words will be used throughout the novel. The test will be February 15th. Math and Science Math: Mixed Multiplication quiz on Thursday Topic 10 Test on Friday Division quiz on Friday / facts 0-2 Science- Soil and Conservation Posters due by February 6th