WRITING comp. book and a pencil A book to read. Make sure your bladder is empty before class starts.
Go to the Next Available Page in Your Comp Book Write out today’s date. Title. Add this to your Table of Contents.
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Check For Understanding When you are finished turn your paper over. On the back write 2 sentences from your reading book with prepositions and underline them. Quietly read/annotate.
Mohenjodaro Claim Learning target: I can make a claim about life in the ancient city of Mohenjodaro and support it with evidence that I can analyze.
Put your claim in the TOPIC box Write your claim statement here
Write a claim statement about daily life in Mohenjodaro. Connect to a PIGCHASE topic. Example: Artifacts found at Mohenjodaro show that politics were important to daily life. Artifacts prove that the people of Mohenjodaro made advancements in innovation.
Use the artifacts as evidence to support your claim. Describe the artifact. Need 2 artifacts to meet standard (3 for above standard)
Today: Fill out a TEA House Graphic Organizer Write your claim statement here. Name of Artifact #1 and detailed description
Analyze each piece of evidence. This evidence supports my claim because… This evidence proves that… This evidence shows [PIGCHASE topic] because…
Today: Fill out a TEA House Graphic Organizer Write your claim statement here. Name of Artifact #1 and detailed description How the evidence above supports your claim
Today: Fill out a TEA House Graphic Organizer Write your claim statement here. Artifact #1 Artifact #2 Artifact #3 Artifact #1 Artifact #2 Artifact #3