Transition Year Department of Education and Skills Definition TY is a one year school based programme between Junior and Leaving Cycle. It is designed to act as a bridge between the two by facilitating the smooth transition from the more dependent learning of the Junior Cycle to the more independent self directed learning required for the Senior Cycle.
Transition Year Programme Opportunity for students to mature and experience different types of learning – group work/project work/IT based work/independent learning etc. Break from the pressures of formal education & State Examinations. Core subjects retained - homework - regular assessment & feedback (P/T meetings, semester exams, exam reports). TY students are statistically proven to achieve higher LC points. Not a doss year!!
TY Activities Work Experience Module (Half Year) Community Care Module Killary Adventure Centre (3 day bonding trip) Gaisce Awards ECDL (Computer Certification) First Aid Course Young Scientist Competition Mayo Sports Partnership Awards/GAA Coaching Courses Charity Fundraisers Enterprise Awards Swimming/Horse Riding/Drumming Workshop etc Driving lessons/Car maintenance course European Trip (Optional) *Please note these activities may vary year to year
TY Cost Approximate total cost of the year = €650 Initial deposit of €200 - due in May (Killary) Second deposit of €200 in September - Book Rental/ECDL/First Aid course Additional expenses throughout the year to cover various activities/trips and excursions including Drivers Education Course/Swimming/Horse Riding/Drumming etc. Optional European trip = €550 (Approx.) *Please note these costs may vary year to year
Application Process Letter of application Formal interview Letter of application Formal interview Successful applicants will be notified in May at the latest
Subject No. of Periods Teacher English 3 Mrs Mulroy Mathematics Mr Ginty Irish Mrs Brogan Science 4 Mr Murray Community Care Mrs Murphy P.E. 2 Mr Woolley I.T. Enterprise Mrs Conway French Art Mrs Lennon Construction Mr McHugh Social Studies Mrs Keane/Mannix Computers* Mr Quinn Biology Ms Carty Geography 1 History Mrs Murray Careers Mrs O’Reilly Development Ed. Tutor Mr McGarry