8/28/14 Homeroom GO GET BREAKFAST BEFORE YOU COME IN THE CLASSROOM. Put things you don’t need in your locker. GO GET BREAKFAST BEFORE YOU COME IN THE CLASSROOM. Turn in any paperwork to the ELT homework box. Eat your breakfast and read quietly. Breakfast is over at 9:15! You will transition to your first connection. Second period = second connection. Third period = ELT. Please, write your new schedule in your AGENDA and keep it on you ALWAYS!
8/28/14 E.L.T Get a copy of “The Essential 55” book and: Warm Up: Complete your half-sheet from yesterday and submit it to the ELT box. Work Session: “2-4-6-8, Come on, brain… ELABORATE” Start on page 9 (Rule 4) Closing: In your agenda, briefly list the four rules we have covered/learned so far.
8/28/14 Language Arts Warm Up/Opening Session Journal: Turn in your homework to the correct box. Your homework sheet was due yesterday! Sit in your FRUIT GROUP/TEAM. Journal: In your agenda, list the areas you noticed you need to work to improve based on your Essay Scorer feedback. Now, list two ways you can improve those areas you just mentioned.
8/28/14 Essential Question: How do authors use sensory language to create mood and describe settings? Standard: ELA.6.W3.d – Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to convey experiences and events.
8/28/14 Language Arts Work Session – Review Jeopardy Sit in your fruit team. We will review today for our test tomorrow by playing a review game.
8/28/14 Language Arts Closing Session Share and Compare What area do you need to study? How can you ensure you receive a good grade tomorrow on the test? HOMEWORK: STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!
8/28/14 Closing Session Homework: Add to your Reading Record Each entry needs parental initials!