Warm-up Copy HW Please place your Olympic Flyers in the black turn-in bin-DON”T FORGET YOUR NAME Please grab a worksheet from the presentation station and make it page 20 Read the questions at the bottom of the page Please carefully read the story about Commander Lear Complete questions 1-4 below the story
Essential Question!!! How does where you live affect how you live? How do culture and technology reflect values? How has the relationship between citizens and their government changed? How can societies use what they have learned from the past?
Debate Preparation Topic: Topic Explanation: * Questions for the teacher or classmates: America Sparta
Debate!!!! Each comment made will earn your side 0-3 points Each side will prepare a 1 minute closing statement and one person will be chosen to present it to the class. That statement will earn your team 0-7 points The city-state with the highest score will earn 3000 citizens for each of their three teams Don’t forget to be filling out the “Never Thought of That” section during the debate
Final Thoughts! Please write a short response supporting the Spartan or American way of life. Topic sentence 3 supporting points Refute the opposition Powerful Conclusion