Welcome to Kids for Wish Kids!
What is kids for wish kids What is kids for wish kids? “We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.”
Edmodo Go onto https://www.edmodo.com/?language=ptbr Click “student” under where it says sign up now Type in our group code which is hysjnn Create a username and password and create your account ***if you already have an Edmodo account- log in and click the + sign next to other groups on your homepage and type in our group code*** If you have a friend who couldn’t make it to this meeting and wants to be in the club, help them sign up and we will know they are interested in Kids for Wish Kids!
Staff and Family Fun Night Committee 1- Sarah Monthly Pretzel Sales Monthly Bake Sales Staff and Family Fun Night
Spirit Cake Decorating Contest Committee 2- Grace Spirit Cake Decorating Contest Chocolate Covered Strawberry sale on Valentine’s Day Breakfast with the Princesses
Wing Bowl- selling stars Dine/Donates (throughout the year) Committee 3- Jamey Wing Bowl- selling stars Dine/Donates (throughout the year)
Committee 4- Liz Safe Trick-or-Treat Easter Egg Hunt
Milk and Cookies with Santa Laurel Lanes Bowling and Pizza Night Committee 5- Julia Milk and Cookies with Santa Laurel Lanes Bowling and Pizza Night
Committee Overview 1. Sarah- monthly pretzel sales, monthly bake sales, and staff & family fun night 2.Grace- spirit cake decorating contest, chocolate covered strawberries sale (Valentine’s Day), and the breakfast with princesses 2. Jamey- wing bowl (selling stars) and the dine and donates throughout the year 3. Liz- safe trick-or-treat and the Easter egg hunt 5. Julia- milk & cookies with Santa and the laurel lanes bowling& pizza night