NUMBER OF INSTITUTIONS COVERED DURING 2016-17. PER UNIT COOKING COST DURING 2016-17 Stage Central Share (100%) UT Contribution Total Primary Rs. 4.13 Rs. 6.00 Rs. 10.13 Upper Primary Rs. 6.18 Rs. 12.18 NUMBER OF INSTITUTIONS COVERED DURING 2016-17. District Number of Schools Govt. Govt. Aided Local Body Total South Andaman 112 02 116 N & N Andaman 163 00 04 167 Nicobar 55 330 06 338
GOOD PRACTICES ADOPTED Boiled egg twice a week and Ripened Banana once a week are being provided to the students of Pre-Primary Stage to Upper-Primary Stage as Supplementary Nutrition. Washing Hands before Consuming Meals is mandatory. Wearing Headgears, Aprons and Hand Gloves compulsory for staff cooking and serving MDM. Tasting of food by teachers / SMC members before serving is a regular practice. Food is served to all without any discrimination of Caste and Creed. UT is providing Rs.6/day/child for Primary and Upper Primary level. Every School has Standard Operative Procedures to be followed during emergency.
Management Structure Chief Secretary , A & N Administration. / Chairman SSMC Principal Secretary (Education), A & N Admn. Secretary (Education), A & N Admn. Deputy Director Edn (Academics) / Nodal Officer (MDM) Zonal Officers / Principals of Education Department Head of Schools MDM Supplier
FLOW OF FOOD GRAINS (RICE) MHRD releases allocation orders Food Corporation of India Lifting by Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Dept on Quarterly basis Transported to go-downs of CS & CA Dept located in 09 different zones of this UT Suppliers lift from respective go-downs depending on proximity This UT Administration lifts the required quantum of food grains from FCI through its Nodal lifting agency, the Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs on quarterly basis. The Department of CS & CA lifts the food grains on quarterly basis from the go-downs of FCI at Port Blair and transports the same to its go-downs / warehouses located in 09 zones. The Mid-day meal suppliers lift the rice from the go-downs of CS & CA and transport it to the kitchen cum stores.
FUND FLOW MHRD UT ADMINISTRATION EDUCATION DEPT. DDOs OF EDUCATION DEPT. SELF HELP GROPUS Fund received from MHRD towards Central Assistance is placed at the disposal of Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDOs) of Education Department. The suppliers submit their monthly bills through the Heads of schools to the concerned DDOs. The DDOs process the bills and submit the same to the Pay & Accounts Office (PAO) for payment. The payment for Cooking Cost is made through account payee cheques and the honorarium to cook cum helpers are credited in the bank account of cook cum helpers.
Action taken note on the commitments made by the UT in the last PAB Meeting 1. To provide LPG connection in the schools of South Andaman District. Out of 116 schools 98 schools of South Andaman District have been covered under LPG based cooking and efforts are being taken to cover rest of the schools of all the three Districts of this UT under LPG based cooking in a phased manner.
2. To look into the non-issue of interactive voice response system (Mobile app/ SMS) and take necessary action from 1st July, 2016. An Automated Monitoring System has been successfully launched in this UT on 12/08/2016 by the Chief Secretary, A & N Islands. An Android based Mobile Application has been developed which functions in both Online and Offline mode. A toll free number is also made functional to receive the data from the schools where mobile connectivity is not available.
ACHIEVEMENT DURING F.Y. 2016-17 Till 3rd Qtr ending December 2016
Average number of children availed MDM till 3rd Qtr Achievement Stage % coverage against enrolment % coverage against PAB approval Primary 77% 92% Upper Primary 79% 93%
Allocation & Utilization of Food grains till 3rd Qtr 753.45 MTs 526.06 MTs 540.84 MTs 486.92 MTs Stage 2016-17 (Up to 03rd Qtr) % of utilization against requirement. Primary 92% Upper Primary 93%
Allocation & Utilization of funds for Food grains till 3rd Qtr Due to non-receipt of final installment of Central Assistance during the F.Y. 2015-16 , bills amounting to Rs. 21.20 Lakhs for the cost of Food Grains lifted during 3rd and 4th Qtr of 2015-16 are pending for payment to FCI. However UT has initiated necessary action to release the same from State fund.
Allocation & Utilization of funds for Cooking Cost till 3rd Qtr PRY (221.66 ) + Up. PRY (153.60) PRY (145.91 ) + Up. PRY (151.87) PRY (142 .00) + Up. PRY (100.23) % of Expenditure against annual allocation Primary Stage Central Assistance 56% UT Fund 64%
Achievement against annual allocation Allocation & Utilization of funds for Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helpers (In Lakhs) Stage Achievement against annual allocation Primary 72% Upper Primary
% of Expenditure against fund released Allocation & Utilization of funds for MME (Management , Monitoring & Evaluation) till 3rd Qtr % of Expenditure against fund released Till 3rd Qtr 74%
% of Expenditure against fund released Allocation & Utilization of funds released towards Transportation Assistance till 3rd Qtr % of Expenditure against fund released Till 3rd Qtr 73%
Financial Achievement till 31st January, 2017 Central Assistance :- (in Lakhs) Sl. No. Component Approved outlay Fund received Fund utilized till 31/01/2017 % of Expenditure 1 Cooking Cost 308.69 297.78 234.10 79% 2 Cost of Foodgrain 21.63 20.94 15.25 73% 3 Transportation Assistance 5.41 5.23 4.13 4 Honorarium to CCH 72.01 69.76 57.68 83% 5 MME 7.34 7.07 5.60 Total 415.17 400.78 316.76 UT Fund:- (in Lakhs) UT Fund Fund Allocated for MDM including UTs Scheme of supplementary nutrition Expenditure till 31/01/2017 % 471.00 388.12 82%
Status of construction of Kitchen cum Stores No. of Kitchen Cum Stores sanctioned by MHRD Constructed In progress 251 Units 96 Units 45 Units 251 Kitchen cum Stores sanctioned in the year 2013-14 with a project cost of 1720 Lakhs to be shared by MHRD and UT on 75:25 sharing basis. Out of 1290 Lakhs being the Central Share MHRD released 802.30 Lakhs. Out of 802.30 Lakhs , this UT booked an amount of Rs. 689.21 Lakhs and Rs. 113.09 Lakhs was surrendered. The Balance amount of Central Assistance has not been received so far, although request for release was made in the AWP&B for 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17. Central Share in respect of completed 96 projects is Rs. 499 Lakhs. Central Share available in respect of ongoing works is Rs. 190.21 Lakhs (Rs. 689.21 Lakhs – Rs. 499 Lakhs = Rs. 190.21 Lakhs). As per present Schedule of Rates (SOR) the project cost has been changed and UT requires Rs. 1531.57 Lakhs to complete remaining 155 Kitchen (Including the kitchens in progress). MHRD has been requested to release Central grant of Rs. 1341.36 Lakhs for completion of 155 KS. (Rs. 1531.57 Lakhs –Rs. 190.21 Lakhs (balance of fund received in the year 2013-14).
Status of Kitchen Devices No. of institutions Sanctioned by MHRD Procured through UT fund in 2006-07 Units proposed for Replacement 338 226 127 The GOI has sanctioned 127 units of Kitchen devices in 2006-07 but UT could not utilize the amount as the LOA was expired. Therefore, the UT has procured the units from UT fund. MHRD sanctioned and amount of Rs. 11.30 Lakhs for procurement of 226 Units of Kitchen Devices during 2012-13. During the PAB meeting of 2014-15, UT had requested for release of fund for replacement of Kitchen Devices procured from UT during 2006-07. Accordingly, MHRD sanctioned an amount Rs. 6.35 Lakhs for replacement of Kitchen Devices in 127 Schools . But due to delay in receipt of LOA from GOI, the fund could not be utilized and was surrendered. During the year 2016-17, no fund was released for replacement / procurement of Kitchen Devices. MHRD has been requested to release the fund for replacement of Kitchen Devices in 127 Schools during the year 2017-18.
Distribution of IFA Tablets Distribution of Spectacles Coverage under School Health Programme till 03rd Qtr. 221 No. of schools covered No. of students covered -22993 Health Check Up No. of students covered -24955 Distribution of IFA Tablets No. of students covered - 452 Distribution of Spectacles
PROPOSAL FOR F.Y 2017-18 Anticipated number of working days : 220 days (Primary & Upper Primary) Proposed per unit cooking cost for 2017-18 Stage Central Share UT Contribution Total Primary Rs. 4.13 Rs. 6.00 Rs. 10.13 Upper Primary Rs. 6.18 Rs. 12.18 Central Assistance for recurring components (in Lakhs) Sl. No. Component Requirement 1 Cooking Cost 285.08 2 Cost of Foodgrain 20.73 3 Transportation Assistance 5.18 4 Honorarium to Cook cum helpers 72.10 5 Management Monitoring and Evaluation 6.90 Total 389.99
ISSUES During the F.Y 2015-16 MHRD released only an amount of Rs. 188.78 lakhs as central assistance under Mid Day Meal Scheme against the approved outlay of Rs. 410.88 lakhs. The balance amount of central assistance is still awaited from MHRD. Secretary (Education), A & N Administration has repeatedly written D.O Letters to MHRD to release the funds but till date this UT has received any communication. The Department has requested MHRD to release an amount of Rs. 202.15 Lakhs being the committed liability for F.Y. 2015-16. Ministry has also curtailed an amount of Rs. 14.39 Lakhs from the proposed outlay of Rs. 415.17 Lakhs for the current financial year 2016-17. The Hon’ble Member of Parliament, A & N Islands has raised the issue for enhancement of honorarium being paid to the Cook cum Helpers and transportation assistance. MHRD may consider the same.