PLACE ROOTS 14 IN THE BASKET (only if it HAS YOUR NAME ON IT) PREPARE YOUR DESK FOR THE ROOTS 14 QUIZ: PRIVACY BOARD, PENCIL, AND PEN WHEN YOU FINISH THE QUIZ, TURN IT OVER AND WORK ON: ROOTS 15/SSR Organize your index cards for the Socratic Seminar, place them into groups (ethos, pathos and logos)
Roots 13 Roots 14 in = not auc = increase brev = short cas = to fall carn = flesh or meat chron = time cosm = universe crypt = hidden, secret dia = through, across, between gen = race, kind, origin, birth
vers, vert = turn reverse = (VERB) to turn in the opposite direction; send on the opposite course; to turn inside out or upside down.
vers, vert = turn invert = (VERB) to turn upside down; to reverse in position, order, direction, or relationship.
VERT = turn 1. to overthrow (something established or existing). SUBVERT = verb 1. to overthrow (something established or existing). 2. to cause the downfall, ruin, or destruction of. 3. to undermine the principles of; corrupt.
ven, vent = come intervene = (VERB) to come between disputing people, groups, etc.; to come, occur or be between two things.
ven, vent = come convention = (NOUN) to officially come together for discussion of and action on particular matters of common concern.
tain = keep contain = (VERB) to keep under proper control; to keep, hold or include within an area
tang = touch tangible = (ADJECTIVE) 1. capable of being touched. 2. real or actual, rather than imaginary or visionary.
scrib, scrip = write inscription =(NOUN) a historical, religious, or other record cut, impressed, painted, or written on stone, brick, metal, or other hard surface.
scrip, scrib = write subscribe = (VERB) money given as a payment of the right to receive a periodical (often a magazine or newspaper) or service (such as a YouTube channel) Example: I subscribed to many magazines.
scrip, scrib = write scribble = (VERB) to write hastily or carelessly; to cover with meaningless writing or marks